what it means to me

I woke up not in the mood to exercise... i wanted sweets for breakfast... just one of those "blah" days- I opened MFP and saw what looked like an interesting topic over on the right side of the screen- from there I saw some success stories then read some exercise questions someone had posted then I read about a woman who'd met her goal today and cried when she weighed...
MFP is motivation
MFP is support
MFP is encouragment
and MFP gets my *kitten* in gear
I have enjoyed this site but I swear I like it more as time passes
what is MFP to u?


  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    It basically keep me on track, and honest with myself. I've made a total transformation, between trying to exercise 3-5 times per week, etc. The ONLY thing I won't give up is half and half for my tea, everything else doesn't matter. This past Halloween for example, I did not have one piece of candy, that would have been unheard of years ago. To me, it's a toal mindset change, and it's about FREAKIN time!!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Well said!!!
    Motivation, support, encouragement and accountability. : )

    Also, my new Facebook- i actually speak with my friends by phone now since I'm hardly ever on Facebook sharing anymore.
  • uLinx
    uLinx Posts: 148
    MFP helps me in two ways. On the one hand, it makes me accountable for what I eat. On the other hand, the forum helps me to stay focused and motivated. Love it!
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I agree , it is about time. It took me a few years to gain it, so I guess the weight wont come off so soon. I love half and half but was going way overboard with it, it was crazy. So, I dumped it and am now trying fat free milk. I wish I could just put it in my coffee but I am not able to at this time.
  • Bigmomma0u812
    Yes, what you said. I have been very fortunate to find the friends I have found on here. I like reading their food diaries and cheering them on. I also like being there when someone has a bad day coz I know that feeling and it feels great to have several posts when I'm having a bad day myself. It does keep me accountable, sane and happy through this lifestyle change coz I'm not alone, there are a ton of people experiencing the same things I am. I like MFP a lot better than FB!
  • kristarablue
    You know I was just speaking to my friend today that if it were not for MFP and the constant motivation, I am not sure I would still be on my journey. I am constantly being pushed to do better just because I have so many amazing friends that are so hard core, it keeps me in line. I agree, I am so thankful for the support system and the wonderful people I have met.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    the site reminds me each day that i am accountable for my food choices.

    i can see exactly what i'm taking in and what i'm burning each day. it has also helped me to avoid a lot of stuff that i shouldn't eat regularly, because when i'm in a situation where i could graze, i mostly think, "no thanks, i really don't want to have to write that down."

    also, it's a site full of people with the same goal : to get fit and stay that way.

    finally, i also got up today, really didn't want to exercise, and wanted total junk for breakfast. made good choices, though, partly because i have to write it all down. very glad to have this site; not sure that i would have been as successful at keeping the weight off without it.
  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    I woke up not in the mood to exercise... i wanted sweets for breakfast... just one of those "blah" days- I opened MFP and saw what looked like an interesting topic over on the right side of the screen- from there I saw some success stories then read some exercise questions someone had posted then I read about a woman who'd met her goal today and cried when she weighed...
    MFP is motivation
    MFP is support
    MFP is encouragment
    and MFP gets my *kitten* in gear
    I have enjoyed this site but I swear I like it more as time passes
    what is MFP to u?

    Couldn't have said it better myself!