Need to lose few pounds before xmas, but cant get motivated!



  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    The only one who can truly motivate you is YOU.

    That said, think about how much better you will feel physically when you shed that 5 to 10 lbs. You will have more energy to get through the days, you will have better control of your stress levels if you exercise in addition to changing your diet alone. You will look better in your clothes.

    Focus on the positives. Focus on the little things you can control immediately. Congratulate yourself on the good choices you make.
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    I would recommend making a lot of friends on this site as it really does help with motivation when everyone is cheering you on.:smile:
  • You can do it! :) What does motivate you? And which part of the motivation are you having problems with? Food or exercise?
  • SweGuy
    SweGuy Posts: 78
    I consider that weight loss should be done for life, not for one season because I´ve myself lost almost 23lbs because I wanted to as well as I felt I had to due to diseases in my family such as diabetis, high blood pressure etc so consider that and use something to motivate you... I am soo buying myself that Prada tshirt when I at my goal... KEEP IT UP!!!
  • Hey peeps, I've bene on here and monitoring what I eat for the last few weeks. Its really helped. Never knew cereals had so many calories! And I've started doing wwi zumba. Its fab! I really want to lose 10lb by xmas but not sure its doable. Any tips are welcome!
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    Come on chick!!! Join us! My immediate goal is to get under 80kg before the end of the year... the end of the year is sooooooooo close, just focus on these few short weeks, You can do it! WOO HOO!!!!!!
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 187 Member
    I sympathise. I am trying to lose weight long-term really (which is going OK, but slowly) - however, I would definitely like to lose a bit before Christmas. But I find it is very difficult at this time of year, as there are so many social events in the run-up to Christmas (and in my case, this is coming on top of a lot of family birthdays in November):ohwell:

    I am trying to visualise myself looking and feeling better in my clothes on & around Christmas day - to try to stay motivated!

    Add me as a friend if you wish - we could try to support one another :smile:
  • TODJ06
    TODJ06 Posts: 85

    I can empathise with you. I go through days of feeling fat, frumpy and yuck... but if I think to myself that if I stay fat n frumpy I will stay unhappy.... so that gives me the motivation to eat better and do some exercise.

    Good luck to you.

    Add people of from here, and they will help motivate you! (feel free to add me!!!)

  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Have a look at the success stories thread 500lb marathon man and many others and one girl who inspired my daughter to join me on my journey obolton755
    I used to think it cant be done then seeing these stories gave me the kick up the jacksey that i needed :bigsmile:
    GO ON GIRL YOU CAN DO IT :drinker:
  • jessielg
    jessielg Posts: 7 Member
    I have the same plan want to loss 10lbs by Christmas. Totally unrealsitic but am going to work hard at it. I am linked with AB963K and we are going to support each other and have started today. Add us both as friends and we will send you messages.
  • AB963K
    AB963K Posts: 33 Member
    I know you can do it as you have done it before and once you lose the first few you will be motivated....besides think of all those lovely christmas outfits to wear xx
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    The only thing I can offer is this: Sometime in the next few days or the coming week, you might suddenly feel motivated, energetic, and focused. If you do have a day like that, don't put off whatever it is you do for weight loss. Grab that day and charge! Then try to keep the momentum going. It's what I'm trying to do. I turned one high energy day into four so far, and I'm not quitting yet!