Foods I don't like (but wish I did)



  • SupeNikkie
    SupeNikkie Posts: 10 Member
    It would probably be easier for me to list foods I like but wish I didn't.

    I don't like cottage cheese but sometimes wish I could stomach it. I have severe texture issues.

    I don't exactly love cottage cheese either, but it is nice with maple syrup (seriously!) (but then again maybe I'm just Canadian.) And/or some cranberries, chocolate chips and a sprinkling of muesli!! :)
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    Lobster. Everyone raves about it constantly.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Ok, this is meant to be kind of a fun post.

    Are there any foods that you wished you liked or think you should like but don't? For example, I absolutely HATE oatmeal. I will force myself to eat it at times and put bananas or raisins in it to make it more palatable, but I really can't stand it. Some people say they love oatmeal and I'm like, YUCK!!! Who could "love" that stuff. I wish I liked it because it's sooooo healthy but I just can't get over the texture/taste. I am not a picky eater so I like most stuff, but I don't care to eat apples that much either.

    What are some foods that you wished you liked, but don't?

    I don't really like the mush of oatmeal either so I eat it raw - lots! I do 1/3c large flake oatmeal plus 15g (1tbsp) peanut butter and mix it up well. Then I add a small (or half) banana or apple. It's pretty yummy actually, I much prefer this texture!

    I have never thought of this before. I may have to try!!
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    no food in particular but fruit flavors...for example, I like strawberries, but I hate strawberry flavored food (yogurt, juices, etc.) same with pinapple and bananas

    I'm the same about lemon flavor. I can add lemon to my water and drink lemonade, but I hate lemon candy or pastries/desserts that are lemon flavored.
  • afish88
    Mushrooms and shrimp! I even try to sneak them into dishes to convince myself to like them, but I just don't!
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I used to say this about yogurt. I always wanted to like it for its "good diet food" properties. It is just too soupy and I'd keep buying it wanting to enjoy it but sure enough it sat in the fridge, surpassing its expiration date. UNTIL greek yogurt hit the scene... I love it and its thick, satisfying texture. Way more protein than regular so it's a win win for me now.

    I'm not big on yogurt either for the simple fact that there's a fair amount of calories for something that makes me feel like I've still eaten nothing after I'm done. I swear it makes me more hungry!! I should give Greek yogurt a try.
  • sunnybrunette126
    sunnybrunette126 Posts: 200 Member
    #1 Hands down raw tomatoes! ughugh

    But also mushrooms... certain yogurts.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Pasta and rice, I went off them when I was pregnant with my third and havent touched it since...sometimes a blessing i guess but it makes it a pain at times. I like the trade off tho, hated fish until that pregnancy and now eat tonnes of the stuff.
  • wmlpd6
    wmlpd6 Posts: 135
    I used to say this about yogurt. I always wanted to like it for its "good diet food" properties. It is just too soupy and I'd keep buying it wanting to enjoy it but sure enough it sat in the fridge, surpassing its expiration date. UNTIL greek yogurt hit the scene... I love it and its thick, satisfying texture. Way more protein than regular so it's a win win for me now.

    I used to feel the same way about yogurt, hated the consistency of it. Now I put a cup of yogurt in the freezer an hour or so before I eat it so it gets a consistency more like ice cream or for me
  • sizesixorbust
    sizesixorbust Posts: 114 Member
    ugh, definitely eggs. i can't handle them scrambled, flipped, whatever. so gross. unless they're covered in cheese, peppers, onions, and turkey/bacon. and i really don't like mushrooms- they taste good, but the texture is absolutely awful.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    I gave up eating for a blissfully tasteful dieting experience, lol. I enjoy cooking and finding creative ways to doctor certain foods up (canned fish)...But I wouldn't exactly compare it to lasagna if you know what I'm saying.

    At the end of the day, the old adage "fuel effects the machine" holds true. I just try to deliver the nutrients the body needs when the body needs them.
  • wmlpd6
    wmlpd6 Posts: 135
    For me its liver. Unless you bread it super thick and smother it in mashed potatoes and bacon like my ma used to when I was a kid.
    Ohh...and tomatoes. I know they are healthy just am not a fan of the taste.
  • ldalbello
    ldalbello Posts: 207 Member
    You should try steel cut oats. Now that I tried those regular oatmeal is gross to me too and I used to like it.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    I'm a fraud when it comes to yogurt. I eat it often, don't mind it too much, but would really rather have string cheese or any other milk product. I even got a yogurt maker for my birthday (at least I know what I'm eating now).
  • lml1042
    lml1042 Posts: 121

    ^^ This. I try so hard to like fish, but I just cannot stand the taste of it. I do like tuna salad though.
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    For me its oily fish salmon, mackerel, sardines, pilchards i can eat tin tuna and tin salmon and will eat white fish but the smell of cooked oily fish turns my stomach :sick:
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I really am not a fruit person in general. I loveeee ALL veggies though.
  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    Sweet potatoes and blueberries. Both are such nutritional powerhouses. I will eat blueberries occasionally becuase they are so good for you but don't like sweet potato. Really wish I did.
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    BLUEBERRIES I Hate them I forced my self to eat as many of them as I could then just thru the rest a way I tried every thing but they made my oatmeal and smoothes taste awfull
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    1) Anything that comes out of the ocean, other than shrimp (fish, lobster, crab... bleccch!)
    2) Eggs (can't stop my brain from thinking about what they are/would be!)
    3) Raw tomatoes (can't deal with the mushy texture)