I 'will be" 50 and Fabulous, I know I can...

I had always been one of those girls that ate whatever she wanted and never gained a pound. Then one day after 2 children, the menopause factor and so many other things crashing into my life... I find I have far over tipped the scale now needing to lose 120 lbs.

Having never learned to eat healthy or portion control, this is such an eye opener to others that have gone thru this their entire life.

While my husband of 33 years doesn't understand how hard it is to resist what I love to eat when he pushes it my way, I hope to find
some support here to be a stronger better woman.

Look forward to getting to know ya'll



  • healthchick
    healthchick Posts: 75 Member
    Hi There
    Welcome aboard. You are right you will be 50 and fabulous. It is amazing how life can change and well done on recognizing the need for change. At the beginning of 2011 I was forty, fat, and fair but avoided facing the situation. However, all that changed when in April when I became sick and underwent emergency surgery ( Cholecystectomy). Since then I have lost 24.1kgs and feel fantastic.

  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    It's tough when people don't understand cravings and the distractability and irritability that comes with denying them. Hopefully your husband will grow to understand even if he's lucky enough to never have experienced it himself. Click on my name in the post and friend request if you like. :)
  • healthchick
    healthchick Posts: 75 Member
    Annette How is it all going?