Need Assistance

Hi all,

I'm at the end of my rope. I've been exercising and eating correctly and trying to lose weight for a few months now.
I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism near the beginning and was on neo-mercazole. I gained 5kgs while on it.
I've been off it for about 3 weeks now as my dr said my levels had gone completely the other way and to try not taking any, since stopping the meds I've gained another 2kgs.

I'm at my wits end and I know its not the healthy way to go about it but I would like some recommendations on a metabolism booster, diet pill, weight loss assisting thing that I can take that doesn't cost around $200 that actually does help?
Can anyone suggest anything?



  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    so sorry to hear it. What I would do is eliminate sugars and carbs that arent natural..and stay away from processed foods. This may help it did me..I have hypothyroid..
  • slimkitty
    No! Please don't. Just eat healthy natural foods the way God/Nature made them. Drink water. Stay active. Push your self in your workouts. If you are walking start adding bursts of running in-between the walking, start walking uphill, start lifting weights (heavy) do some calisthenics, take up Yoga, take fish oil (lots of ot), get some sun and some extra Vit. D.\. Get your body as healthy and as strong as possible. The weight will take care of itself.
    Good luck.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    I agree with the consensus here. I don't know what kinds of foods you are eating, but I would eat as much natural whole foods as you can and stay away from processed foods, soda pop, and such. I bet you can beat it with great eating and good exercise!
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    I agree with the consensus here. I don't know what kinds of foods you are eating, but I would eat as much natural whole foods as you can and stay away from processed foods, soda pop, and such. I bet you can beat it with great eating and good exercise!
    What ever one said.....DITTO!!!!! Diet pills will just make matters WORSE....if you ask me,

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  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I also have had that for almost 3 years. The Doctors cant regulate it and want to kill the thyroid. I have been on Tapozole. I told 2 doctors about my weight gain. They said I was eating too much. I went down to 1200 calories and they said "EAT LESS". I began to starve myself, ate no more then 600 calories a day. I lost weight but that is not healthy either. If you hear of anything let me know. I have done a million blood tests. I am trying a new doctor in a few weeks.
  • Appleness
    I try to stay away from sugar as much as possible and I eat rather healthy. Veggies all the time, I still eat red meat for dinner more times then white meat, as I have low iron issues and thats the easiest way for me to keep them normal.
    I do half hour of exercise about 4-5 times a week as well as about half hour of walking every day to work.
    Exercise is mainly stationary bike, treadmill, step aerobics, cross trainer, using hand weights where possible.
    I'm just not sure what else I could change to actually start seeing a loss.
    Maybe I should try seeing if my dr has any ideas, it just feels a bit silly going to the dr about weight gain because its not serious or anything.
  • slimkitty
    Here's something that might be interesting to you. It's a book by Mary Enig a PhD, nutritionist.

    Some may call this a fad, but I would suggest you look into it and see what you think.