The New Girl

Hey Guys!

My name is Maria and I am on a new life journey. Just 17 years old and I have set goals for myself. I went to the doctors recently and found out that I am pre- diabetic. I have always been over weight and if you see me now I probably do not weight 200 pounds. At my heaviest I was 210 at just 17. I look for confort in food because I'm not really what people call "popular" I've alwasys been an outkast.People has alqways made fun of my weight and I didnt know who to tzalk to. As a senior now in high school I would like to go to prom with someone and have a great senior year. I want to be healthy and change my life around for the better. I am looking for a GREAT support system to keep me motivated and a FITNESS PAL to look u[pon and work through this together. Please help me change my life around and become part of my life-time goals,

Thank yiou for your time,



  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    Hey, It is great you are starting this journey, this site will be just what you need. Their are a lot of people in the same situation as you who can offer support and motivation. Feel free to add me. :)
  • merrick7871
    merrick7871 Posts: 161 Member
    Welcome to the site! I hope you like it and find it as helpful as I do. Please feel free to add me.
  • Lilkipi
    Lilkipi Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Maria! I think it's awesome that you are choosing to make your senior year the best that it can be! Welcome, and I hope you find PLENTY of support here on your journey! Feel free to add me :)
  • Fit099
    Fit099 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you guys so much! This is amazing! I will add you all :) lol tty soon!

    Thank you for your time,