Thinking about buying goal clothes for black friday!

Hey guys! So I was thinking, since there's going to be mega deals everywhere, I'm thinking about buying a lot of clothes for when I hit my goal weight. I'm thinking of buying really nice jeans in size 12 & maybe even one in a size 10 for inspiration, and really nice shirts in mediums, and some bras and stuff.

what do you guys think? Smart idea? Or dumb?

Because when I do hit my goal weight, these clothes are going to be a killer to spend on, and I figure even if I have to get them a little early at a cheaper price that's okay with me


  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    i usually buy one size ahead. Like a size 16 when i am an 18. Then i try them on every two weeks. It sounds silly but I get so excited when they get a little bit closer.
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    If that makes you MORE determined to get to goal weight than I would agree with you. I've done that in the past and just wound up throwing the clothes in the good will box. I suppose I wan't as ready as I thought I was. Now I can afford whatever I'd like to buy myself. BUT for you...I'd say GO FOR IT!!!!!

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  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    From what the news is saying is that the deals will start sooner. Are there really good deals? Where?
  • markbolch
    markbolch Posts: 24 Member
    Clothes.. What a nightmare clothes are. I have lost 25 pounds since being on here and 66 total since June. It costs a fortune to keep up. I use to think that larger cloths made me look smaller which is so not true it just makes you look sloppy and tacky. I have strict goals so at times I do buy a size smaller for motivation. I have also found that I have become anal about NOT wearing something if a size smaller would fit and look good. At the same time there is a fine line in NOT wearing clothes that are too small but you can button them. When some people lose weight they go overboard and wear something too tight just because they can squeeze it on. When something gets too big I donate it and the clothes donation people love me.. I know that’s a lot of ramble but clothes is something that has been expensive about loosing weight but must admit I love shopping for new ones. Long story short there is nothing wrong with buying goal clothes to motivate you. For me I don’t buy for the size I ultimately want to wear because I have to spend so much on clothes during my transformation. Since its winter now if I bought something way too small for motivation I would make sure it was summer clothes so I have some time to get down to that size.
  • markbolch
    markbolch Posts: 24 Member
    Clothes.. What a nightmare clothes are. I have lost 25 pounds since being on here and 66 total since June. It costs a fortune to keep up. I use to think that larger cloths made me look smaller which is so not true it just makes you look sloppy and tacky. I have strict goals so at times I do buy a size smaller for motivation. I have also found that I have become anal about NOT wearing something if a size smaller would fit and look good. At the same time there is a fine line in NOT wearing clothes that are too small but you can button them. When some people lose weight they go overboard and wear something too tight just because they can squeeze it on. When something gets too big I donate it and the clothes donation people love me.. I know that’s a lot of ramble but clothes is something that has been expensive about loosing weight but must admit I love shopping for new ones. Long story short there is nothing wrong with buying goal clothes to motivate you. For me I don’t buy for the size I ultimately want to wear because I have to spend so much on clothes during my transformation. Since its winter now if I bought something way too small for motivation I would make sure it was summer clothes so I have some time to get down to that size.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Might as well do them while they are on sale. I wouldn't go too crazy though, because you never know if the cut will be right when your body changes it's shape in general. I like the idea of buying the next size down. you'll have a better idea of whether or not you will like the fit.

    I plan on doing this actually. But I will probably just get one thing. I base my weight-happiness on how well I feel in my jeans. I am now an 8 and hoping to be a 6 soon. I will probably buy a really nice pair of 6s while they are on sale.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    A man who likes shopping!!! I am in love...LOL