Whole grain spaghetti- raw/cooked

Ok, I bought some Healthy Harvest whole grain thin spaghetti that I want to use with cream of chicken soup. I am trying to figure out the cooked calorie amount.

Now uncooked (dry), 2oz is 180 calories. But I am eating it cooked not dry, and I know just like a lot of other foods, the calorie amount changes once it is cooked. I tried looking it up on webmd on the food-o-meeter and the best I could find was basic wheat spaghetti. And that is only 174 calories per cup! We all know 2oz is no where near a cup. If I want a cup of spaghetti (dry ) it would be over 700 calories!! I need to get the closest calorie reading.

Can someone help? I need to know how the raw/cooked spaghetti calorie amounts differ so I can be accurate.


  • andreacord
    bump, i'd like to know too. My pasta lists it as 1/8 of the package or something like that.
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    I just go by what the spagetti weighs dry. If you're only cooking it, the water will be zero calories. Then just figure out the soup by itself.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    2 oz of dry pasta equals 4 oz of cooked pasta roughly. Pasta absorbs water as it cooks and generally doubles in weight.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Weight it dry!
    2 oz of dry pasta equals 4 oz of cooked pasta roughly. Pasta absorbs water as it cooks and generally doubles in weight.

    Exactly... 2oz dry and 4oz cooked should be the same calories.

    You aren't adding/subtracting calories when you cook the pasta in water. The weight only changes because of water absorption.
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    Cooking only changes the calories if you add things like oil to it.
    If you only cook it in water it won't change.

    So just find out how many calories are in the packet. Then work out what percentage of the whole packet you are using (regardless of how many cups this equals etc) and there you go. that is how many calories you are eating.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I think the difference in dry vs. cooked is just that the volume changes. For example, one cup of dry spaghetti will yield more than one cup after it is cooked because it soaks up water in the process of cooking. The calories remain the same.

    If however, you were serving yourself one cup of cooked noodles from a larger bowl, it would have fewer calories because you are not getting the full dry serving size.
  • MarsChallenge
    MarsChallenge Posts: 84 Member
    Well if you eat the whole box, that is about 1200 calories. ok 1260 to be exact. The whole box is 7 servings. So either lay the box out on the table and divide it evenly, seven ways.. so you can get an idea of how much one serving is.. or make the whole box, w/your recipe and divide your recipe into 7....I'm thinking 2 oz dry might be 1/2 cup cooked. .. but i'm not 100% sure. pasta is so tricky.. i just avoid it !
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    2 oz dry is the same as whatever it is cooked. All you are adding to it is water. So if it's 174 calories dry, it is the exact same cooked.
  • CharityEaton
    like everyone said, the only thing that changes is that the pasta absorbs the water when cooking. if you don't add anything to the water then it is the same amount of calories.
    You might also find that you can cut the 2 oz down to just 1 oz and it will still be enough to fill you up and it will cut the calories even more...just add an extra serving of veggies with your pasta and you won't even notice that you had less pasta! :smile:
  • Schuyler
    Schuyler Posts: 78 Member
    2oz dry is = 1 cup cooked. It's the same calorie count.
  • kenyonsmom10
    kenyonsmom10 Posts: 97 Member
    weigh it dry and log it as the "dry" weight.... when you cook it you are just boiling it in water, therefore it is absorbing zero calories... unless you are cooking it in something else.... I usually cook them in water and then add whatever else it is I am making with it, so that I know my calories are correct. 2 oz dry should be about 1 cup cooked and the calories dont differ if you are boiling in water... I hope this helped :)