30 day shred

Im attempting the 30 day shred I was wondering if you guys can tell me any dieting info? I'm gonna limit myself to 1200 but can anyone else give me anymore advice please Nd thank you I'd really appreciate it!


  • Becxox
    Becxox Posts: 52 Member
    Good luck, it's tough but you will get through it I'm on day 4!
    Just be prepared for weight gain it the first week, I went up and posted about it and from what others have said its normal.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Ive attempted the 30 day shred a few times. It can be intense.. I wish you tons of luck with it. Planning on starting it again in the near future.. Currently doing a different workout. Eat right. Drink lots of water, and you should be fine.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    The weight gain is from your body retaining water to help your muscles recouperate. Totally normal. As to diet you have to do what works for you. I am doing higher protein lower carbs. I restrict carbs to whole grains when I have them and then I stick to 1200. It is working so far.
  • RuchMathers
    RuchMathers Posts: 23 Member
    I just started yesterday.Jillian almost killed me with jumping jacks and push ups.I usually limit my calorie intake to 1200 but increase it to 1800 at certain days because I'm also doing Muay Thai 2-4 hours a day.
  • skinnykim14
    Hit the gym! Try a spinning class three to four times a week. This will help you hit your calorie goals because whatever you burn off you get back in calories! Also, use your calories wisely. For example, is a Latte or candy bar worth it if it takes a 1/3 of your total calorie intake for the day! Good Luck!
  • mailoveschayzen
    thanks guys this definetaly helps!