Tips on how to avoid stress eating?

Stress eating has been my demise in getting into shape/losing weight. These past few months have been incredibly difficult and unfortunately, the next few months will not be any better. I am finished medical school this year and interviewing for a job - unfortunately it has become really competitive and I would finally like to be with my husband who is now in Sacramento (he's in the Air Force, been in Virginia for the past 4 years while I've been in Missouri in school). Needless to say, I've got one shot at being with him. I have always been a stress eater - now with flying all the time for interviews and living in hotels, it has been even worse.

I am looking for any advice to avoid stress eating? Especially while traveling as my schedule consists of traveling all the way up until mid-March.

It's been so disappointing being where I am today as it was this past May when I was using this community and felt like I was in the best shape I had been in since my undergrad years. To think I lost it all in 5 months. Ugh.


  • calderst
    calderst Posts: 222 Member
    A cup of tea... especially an herbal like chamomile... does wonders for me. Without anything edded, it's 0 calories but it warm and soothing. Also keeps your hands and mouth busy from snacking.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    If you have time to binge eat you have time to run. Pack some sneakers and use the gym/pound pavement instead of stress eating. They endorphins will relax and energize you, there is no guilt after, and its cheaper than stress eating.
  • oopsiedaezie
    Bump. I am a stress eater too! I will have to take that tea suggestion into consideration. I really like too :)
  • latinahada
    I drink something. Whether it is tea( hot or cold) with Truvia to sweeten it, water with Mio in it, or even a diet pop (why everything I listed involves sweetness is because that is what I turn to when I am stressed, sweets). I have always been a horrible stress eater but these things seem to help. I know it is said that diet pop will increase your appetite but it doesn't with me, it simply satisfies me. Also, I try to focus on something to keep me busy if I feel stressed. And last but not least, exercise...I exercise and usually it makes me feel at least a little less stressed.
  • safetyguy71
    I like the tea suggestion. Stress eating with me usually means a spoon and a jar of peanut butter, now I just make sure I look at the label and try to de-stress elsewhere. Usually a glass of water and avoid the kitchen.
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    That's a big part of how I got fat in the first place. I struggle with it less now, partly due to circumstances but partly because I've really made an effort to keep healthy foods that I WANT to eat around all the time and almost never have things I know I can't control myself around in the house. Even if it means going over cals its better to grab a handful of cashews than a candy bar.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    Stress eating or emotional eating can be controlled by making a behavioural modification plan and putting it into action. Realize what happens when in situations and make a plan... stick with it.
  • mrk1day
    mrk1day Posts: 54 Member
    I had never thought about tea - that actually is a great idea. I turn to sweets too - ice cream particularly. Exercise - it's so hard for me to not dwell and actually get out of bed sometimes. I know it's a behavioral modification - all of it to be honest, I think I'm just tired of yo-yoing from being healthy to completely quitting and I don't know how to stop it. Everyone says it will happen when I get some stability in my life, but I know my career choice will pretty much not let it happen for the next 10 years or so.
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Hi there,

    Another stress eater here... I think I'll always struggle a bit, but I suggest doing what you can to nurture yourself in ways that don't involve food i.e. meditation (there are clips on how to on YouTube)/ prayer, yoga/ pilates (stretching is relaxing), bubble baths/ hot tubs, vent to friends and family, programme rest times into your schedule etc. etc.

    You know how best to nurture yourself so make time for it!

    Good luck on your journey. :)
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    plan all your eats...don't leave home w/o your goody bag and stay hydrated. meditate a bit and speak the words that you're hoping for. expect good things, even is difficult/worrisome situations.'re beautiful and you deserve happiness with your hubby!

    thank him for his service...much appreciated.

  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    The other day was probably one of the first times I DIDNT stress eat while studying. I had to just kind of take a minute to regroup and forget about school work. I had to remind myself of my goals and what I wanted. I put on an episode of "I used to be fat" on my computer and got back to work with a nice cup of green tea.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    I'm a huge stress eater. What I do, is try to find things that are healthy to eat when I'm stressed.

    For example --- I love a nice bag of chips, and I could easily eat one when I'm stressed. So I've switched it to 100 calorie bag of popcorn. Ok maybe not the most healthy, but it makes me feel better, and is FAR better than what I was doing. Also, I do celery as well. I like the crunch of it. Either that or cucumbers. So instead of eating crap when I'm stressed, I'm eating healthier --- and I feel better (less likely to get stressed about my stress eating).

    Maybe that doesn't make sense, but it's my first step in getting through stress eating.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    The other day was probably one of the first times I DIDNT stress eat while studying. I had to just kind of take a minute to regroup and forget about school work. I had to remind myself of my goals and what I wanted. I put on an episode of "I used to be fat" on my computer and got back to work with a nice cup of green tea.

    the show is awesome..and they're just kids, really...reminds me just how I need to be working out.