Rockclimbing <3

bellaoj62 Posts: 9 Member
edited October 5 in Fitness and Exercise
I love rockclimbing...
Such a good workout...and sooooo fun!!!
Does anyone else do this?
I just did a 2-day course over the weekend, and the calories burnt were HUGE!!
I love the sport, and can't wait to get better at it! :)

Going to try climbing in a gym atleast twice a week, I can feel im already getting stronger, I'm going again on Thursday!! Can't wait!


  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I would love to do that. I remember years ago, a friend and I were watching some rock climbers while we were doing some easier bouldering. He said something to me about us never going to be able to enjoy that activity. That stuck with me, 'cause he was actually in great shape and kind of built, but since we were both heavy, it wouldn't be for us. I hope to prove that idea wrong someday.
  • Twice a week for the past couple of years at a local indoor climbing wall. Lots of fun, big challenges and good strength and skill gains.
    I agree that it's a great workout that covers quite a few muscle groups.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Ive been meaning to give it a go since discovering an indoor track in the suburb next to where I live! Havent done it since I was in highschool. The problem I find though is fitting all these new fun exercises in! Its on the list though and awesome to hear its a good calorie burner!!
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    I actually did my first outdoor climb about a month ago! There is actually a great, massive indoor facility I love to climb at, but it's about an hour away from where I live so I can't bring myself to buy a membership, especially since I already go to the gym I'm a member at that's a mile down the road 5 days a week. It's a ton of fun though and definitely something I'd love to get more into later in life!
  • bellaoj62
    bellaoj62 Posts: 9 Member
    Yeh I'm lucky both the indoor gyms in Western Australia are within 20minutes of my house :)
    One is only 8mins away!
    Seriously awesome experience...everytime you achieve something new...a feeling you can't buy!!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I climb every Saturday and then I also outdoor rock climb May-October. It's probably my favorite sport/athletic activity. It's definitely a great total body workout and I also think there's a really great mental component as well.
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    I love climbing. I started when I was 4- my dad and I would go every Sunday... it was our version of going to church. As I got older, the climbing trips happened more than one day a week and eventually I started instructing to help finance college. It's an awesome sport, and it pains me to currently live in a state where the only close climbing access is a climbing gym.

    Also, if you like climbing, I suggest taking up crossfit- they go really well together :)
  • sycrid
    sycrid Posts: 10
    Me and My Flat mate go rock climbing every Monday. We can only do indoor atm because of the Earthquakes in Christchurch. They have made the outdoor ones a bit... Unstable Haha. So we are waiting for them to get to the all clear. I have only been Climbing for about 2 months But am Already up to Grade 19 Climbs ( Thats Nz Grading :P ) I started on a 13 so bit of an Improvement.
    I just started Lead Climbing too. Its so much more of a workout than top roping and I love it.

    If anyone else lives in Christchurch and knows some outdoor routes that are open or close to Chch that are open, I would love to hear from them :P
  • duffydog1
    duffydog1 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi I used to climb alot - outdoors all summer and indoors in the winter. Indoors I can lead E6 ( european) - or I should say I used to be able to! Not now that is for sure. I stopped going when I met my husband and he didn't climb and really didn't want to try. It became difficult as it was a whole social scene - not just the climbing - so . . .
    Anyway, I used to live at Brimham Rocks in Yorkshire and just down the road from Malham Tarn - some of the most famouse climbing in the UK. Oh - those were the days!
    When I had my first daughter I used to take her to the climbing wall with me and she used to sit on the reception desk ( securely ) in her car seat and watch me climb - I got back in shape fast! When she was 4 she was climbing with a group of 10 and 11 year old boyscouts - it was second nature to her.
    Now I have lived in the French Alps for 7 years and have never climber since I have been here ( though my daughter does occasionaly). We occasionaly have to rope up for ski touring and there have been a few hairy climb ins to access the off piste and when we do crevasse training. But because Igained 30lbs, my power to weigh ratio is just all wrong ( read - I cannot drag my sorry fat *kitten* up a wall anymore as my arms just aren't strong enough!
    anyway - that is all on the mend now. 13lbs lost and counting - I hope to be climbing again by next summer - too busy skiing in the winter now and I will also be taking my youngest daughter (7) as I know she will love it - and who knows - maybe I'll get my husband to come along too!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I had some friends that were really into rockclimbing when I was in college. I'd go with them from time to time. I never got to a point where I was very good at it but I really enjoyed it. We always climbed outside. There was talk of going to a gym but I never went. Part of the fun for me is doing stuff outdoors. I ended up hurting my back (unrelated) and couldn't go for a while then kind of lost touch with those guys. It's been close to 20 years since I've climbed but it sure was fun. I'd love to get into it but I just don't have time with everything else I've got going. Too many (expensive) hobbies, not enough time (or money).
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