Not a food fest

I just went to Tasmania for two weeks and I had promised myself that it would not be a food fest like it was 26 years ago, where I came home 7kg heavier than when I went (and that was only 10 days - YIKE !!)

I am REALLY happy to say that I came back the same weight I was when I left... In fact I did actually loose weight while I was away because the jeans that were usually so hard to put on, I felt I would have to use a "crow bar", zipped up without any worries .....

However on the last two days my partner and I enjoyed a very romantic couple of days which involved a few bottles of VERY nice red, which is why I put the weight back on. Don't get shocked here because I knew exactly what I was doing and my aim was NOT to come back heavier that when I left. and this is what I achieved AND I still had a fantastic time :-))))


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