Calories burned???

Okay the elliptical machine said 289 calories burned during my 40 minute workout Friday and MFP said 603 burned. Which one do you guys trust or do you find a common number in the middle. That is a big difference if you ask me especially if we are talking eating those burned calories back. Thanks for your help.
This is my first full week of not loosing anything not even an ounce since I started July 25th on this journey so I am a little desperate and really reevaluating things. I've lost 35 pounds so that's not bad I know but I just don't want to end up in a long stall one week stall is long enough. Thanks again.


  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    If you put your height and weight into the machine, I would trust it more. If not, I would choose something in the middle since MFP doesn't take intensity into account. Great workout, either way :D
  • melhayes1115
    melhayes1115 Posts: 187 Member
    I think the actual machine would give you a much more accurate calorie burnt count.
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    enter your height and weight should help..
    but from experience from using the HRM ..I always burn more calories then the elliptical/treadmill states
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    You've been on MFP since July? Probably you have already read that you should have a heart rate monitor w/ chest strap if you want an accurate calorie burn girl

    MFP doesn't know your intensity so they just calculate an average (are you average - LOL) and the machines at the gym are notorious for not taking enough information....and even when they do always seem high!

    If you ask me, it is time to get accurate and get the HRM! they are worth it and not always expensive, I got mine on sale and am so grateful!
  • kidbxrs
    kidbxrs Posts: 50 Member
    Okay thank yall. The machine at my gym does not allow me to enter anything on height and weight so that was one of the reasons I was insure if it was correct. I currently weigh a lot (221) and I have heard that you will burn more in the higher numbers?
  • kidbxrs
    kidbxrs Posts: 50 Member
    I started dieting July 25 but only found MFP 25 days ago to be exact. Yes I have read about the heart rate monitor on here. I should really invest in one maybe I should do a little bit of research about them first. Still a newbie to the real fitness stuff. I do go to the gym 5 days a week for 40 minutes on my work lunch hour but I have ky been going for about a month and a half. :-)
  • The best way to get the a more accurate messure of your calories burned is to invest in a Heart Rate Monitor/Watch. Those machins are just a "guide" and give you an average "guesstimate". If you are going to use the machines info, then enter your weight and age. But again the machine will give you an average based on those numbers. A heart rate monitor has more specific user information such as height, weight, age, excercise intensity, and resting heart rate. When I wear my HRM that is programmed specifically to me, it always tells me I have burned around 500 more calories than the machines do.
    Knowing your Target Heart Rate will also help you burn more calories. Some people workout beyond their target heart rate burning more carbs and energy than fat! You may think the higher your heart rate the more calories you burn but its NOT true, you can be working out 6 days a week really hard on the elliptical and sweat like crazy and not lose any weight, WHY? because you just burned your stored energy and no fat!! EVERYONE is going to be different and if you are relying on calories burned and intake, then definitely INVEST in a HRM. I have a Polar Watch and I LOVE it! I put some links to finding your resting heart rate, target heart rate, and HRM. I was working out 5 days a week relying just on the machiines and would lose about 1/2lb a week, as soon as I got my HRM and knew what my target heart rate and my zones were, I started to lose 3-5lbs a week FAST!! And surprisingly enough, I was working out way too hard!!
    Go through the 8 pages to see where your resting heart rate and target heart rate zones should be to burn the MOST overall calories. If you are going to workout, might as well get an accurate reading of your hard work!!!! Use this now if you don't have a HRM, its a great guide.

    Polar Watches/HR Monitors

    Good luck!
  • kidbxrs
    kidbxrs Posts: 50 Member
    Wow thanks a lot. I really am going to check into this more seriously tomorrow. I did not lose any weight This week on Saturday which is my normal weigh in day. I really think it has something to do with my burned calories and such just not know what is accurate. I feel it could be causing me to not take in enough calories. I am doing 1200 calories a day and I am 5'3'' 221 pounds and if I am burning say 500 or 600 calories and not knowing it and not eating any of those calories back. This could very well be my problem. I will be checking into the hrm tomorrow for sure.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I do know machines typically work off an average person, so like 70kg or something like that. So if you weigh more than that, then you probably burned more than what the machine says. I like the idea of choosing somewhere in the middle, lol
  • Hi, I started on July 16th with MFP but have only lost 21 pounds so far. I am relying on the caloried burned on this site to eat some of the calories. I do not feel it is always accurate but can not afford to buy a machine to record accurately. I have fibromyalgia and degenerative disc so I can only do so much exercise without increasing my pain. I mostly just walk for my exercise so I am happy for what I have been able to lose but I have had many weekly stand stills and in the beginning a weight gain back without an increase in calories. I am accepting it will be a slow weight loss but I want it to be permanent, this is the most I have ever been able to ever lose.

  • jenniferhiggins
    jenniferhiggins Posts: 116 Member
    I am been wondering the same thing. On the treadmill when I enter my weight it gives me one number. Though on the myfitnesspal it gives another number. I think I am just going to have to get a heart monitor.
  • jenniferhiggins
    jenniferhiggins Posts: 116 Member
    Lostpounds2: thanks for saying that you are relying on the calories burned on the site. Today is my first day that I am relying on the calories burned on the site. I have been relying on the calories that I have burned on the treadmill and I have gained weight cause of it.
  • jenniferhiggins
    jenniferhiggins Posts: 116 Member
    CGlose2: which polar watch do you have. I was looking at the polar FT4