opinions on Gym vs. Home workouts



  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I used to be a gym rat and was convinced it was the only way I'd ever be. Recently I moved out to the boons for a demanding job though and knew I was just not going to have the time or motivation to drive 20 mins each way to go to the gym. So I started doing videos.

    It's so much better. I don't have to pack a bag with workout gear and body wash. Everything is in my room and in my bathroom. I roll out of bed in workout clothes (if I have more privacy, I work out in my underwear! Less laundry to do haha!), do my workout, change, and get on with my day without having to leave the house. I also find the videos to be motivating since someone is yelling at me to fix my form or jump higher or whatever (thanks Jillian Michaels...) while I would just kind of cruise at the gym.

    The gym gives you more options, yes, and I would be tempted to get a membership again if I worked close to one. But do what works for you :) I am quite happy with my at home video routine.