Protein Shakes/Supplements - Help please!

Hey all knowledgable ones! Bodybuilders would be ideal!

I am wanting to purchase and start drinking some protein shakes..... BUT.... there is just so many different protein shakes on the market!

I do not want meal replacements, as I love my food! I just want to add more protein to my diet, without having to consume a cooked chicken everyday! (haha)
I want to preserve the muscle I currently have and continue to grow my muscles, all whilst losing fat etc..

I read that whey isolate protein is more pure than standard protein powders....
so ...
does anyone use protein shakes?

Which brand do you use?
What flavour/flavours do you like? Dislike etc... Taste good/crap etc...

What results, if any, have you seen.

Do you have any advice for me with regards to supplements?

Facts about me:
31 yrs old.
27% fat
Cardio - 60-120mins 5x per week
Weights 30-60 mins 4x per week.
Legs 2x p/week
Chest, arms, back (everything else!) 2x per week

Goals: Decrease fat %. Trim up the body.

Thanks in advance. :)



  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    also I would like to know do protein shakes really help in regards to helping you get defined muscle and get rid of the flab
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Optimum Nutrition whey.
    5lb jug is only $45 on
    Stay away from cheap protein because most of them arent any better than a chicken leg!
    Hope that helps!