Depo Provera Weight Gain .. Help?


Now please stop telling me to go to a therapist, those of you that read my previous posts... I am. But see, this happened to other people, too. I am not the only one.

I have gained a lot of weight that I just cannot seem to lose no matter WHAT I do! That is why I am resorting to diet pills.

I have went to so many doctors only to be told that they don't know why this is happening and that I am eating right and exercising, so I should be losing weight. They say I am perfectly healthy other than my weight right now. However, they said that I will pay for it if I stay this size. That I have to lose the weight so that I do not get diabetes, cancer and such like the rest of my family. They got it when they became overweight from overeating horribly.

This has happened to others, you see! :(


Thank you for those of you who took a look at this and who may even have some answers.


  • Kaeli14
    Kaeli14 Posts: 6 Member
    I gained weight while on depo provera too...and had other medical conditions. I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 21 years old, and my doctor believes it was due to the depo provera! Please consult with your doctors about what is best for you before taking this medication.
  • StrawberrySuzyQ
    StrawberrySuzyQ Posts: 107 Member
    I, too, gain quite a bit of weight after starting on Depo Provera. After I stopped I was able to lose weight doing Atkins but I know the regain was due to stresses in my life that I had no control over.

    But, yes, there can be significant weight gain while on Depo. I had a girl friend who also put on weight after starting on Depo. And I agree, unless that is your only option, don't go on Depo Provera....find some other form of birth control....especially one that doesn't totally whack out your hormones like that!
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    I don't know one person who has taken Depo without side effects... Yucko, sorry you all are dealing with them :(

    Next month I'm getting off birth control entirely and switching to the Fertility Awareness Method... I'm really excited to get this hormonal shiz out of my system! Any women who are on birth control for non-medical reasons (i.e., you are on BC for contraceptive purposes only!) and who are sick of having side effects, you should check it out... look up the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility on or something. I got it yesterday and I'm already on Chapter 6!! Good stuff in there!! :)
  • Lizchan
    Lizchan Posts: 60 Member
    I gained weight while on depo provera too...and had other medical conditions. I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 21 years old, and my doctor believes it was due to the depo provera! Please consult with your doctors about what is best for you before taking this medication.

    Aww... :( wow... I am so sorry to hear about your cancer... I hope you will get well soon. Please be okay.
  • Lizchan
    Lizchan Posts: 60 Member
    I, too, gain quite a bit of weight after starting on Depo Provera. After I stopped I was able to lose weight doing Atkins but I know the regain was due to stresses in my life that I had no control over.

    But, yes, there can be significant weight gain while on Depo. I had a girl friend who also put on weight after starting on Depo. And I agree, unless that is your only option, don't go on Depo Provera....find some other form of birth control....especially one that doesn't totally whack out your hormones like that!

    I am sorry to hear of you suffering from this, too... no one who lives around me believes me about it...
  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    I started on the depo when i was 16 by the time i came off it at 18 i had gone from 60kg to 70kg...i was never able to loose that weight it just didnt seem to budge no matter what i did. Then i got pregnant with my daughter and it all went down hill from there (weight wise). stupid depo.
  • StrawberrySuzyQ
    StrawberrySuzyQ Posts: 107 Member
    I'm sorry no one around you believes it. If I hadn't seen it on myself and my girlfriend I might not have believed it myself. I was on Depo from 1995-1998. I saw my doctor Dec of 1998 and told her then I no longer wanted to be on DP. After that time my husband and I just used other methods of contraception (never got pregnant) and it was then that I found I was able to lose some weight. I believe that I will never get to my pre-birth control weight, but I will be happy if I can reach my goal weight of 130 lbs.

    The other thing I notice with Depo is that after stopping it, my periods actually became more intense. I never really had a lot of pain or cramping before but in the past 12 years I find that the first day or two is sometimes unbearable. I also have a lot of hot/cold flashes during that first day or two and NEVER experienced anything like this the entire time growing up. I'm only 37 and there is no history of early menopause in my family. I have two older sisters who haven't gone through the change and my mom didn't until she was into her 50s. (She is 73 now.)

    I hope you are able to find a doctor who can really help you out with this. It is frustrating when no one believes you about something you KNOW is happening. Hang in there!
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    I never used it but the friends I knew who were on it gained weight, and grew facial hair . One even had a section of her hair to become weak /brittle and broke off.

    Sorry this is happening to you !
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Did someone actually tell you Depo doesn't lead to weight gain?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't know one person who has taken Depo without side effects... Yucko, sorry you all are dealing with them :(

    Next month I'm getting off birth control entirely and switching to the Fertility Awareness Method... I'm really excited to get this hormonal shiz out of my system! Any women who are on birth control for non-medical reasons (i.e., you are on BC for contraceptive purposes only!) and who are sick of having side effects, you should check it out... look up the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility on or something. I got it yesterday and I'm already on Chapter 6!! Good stuff in there!! :)

    My best friend's mother used that method. My best friend has three siblings. None planned.
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    My doctor put me on depo (for just 6 months) after I had surgery for my endometriosis in 2005. Gained wait, was a raging ***** and guess what - 6 years later, I'm in just as much pain as before the surgery. The weight never came off. That's what I'm working on now.

    Best of luck to you...
  • littlesis412
    littlesis412 Posts: 314 Member
    I guess I'll present another side of the argument. I'm on Depo right now and previously tried two different birth controls. I did gain weight with all of them but now that I'm on here the weight is coming off. So far the only problems I've seen in loss are when I don't eat well. Depo has actually made my moods BETTER while the other two BCs made me depressed or a raging B. In all I have a love/hate relation with Depo because of the side effects (something that kills your libido is definitely a great birth control :grumble: ) But everyone is different. Have you considered other BCs? There may be something out there better for you. I do believe you when you say depo is causing problems for you. It sucks that other people give you flak. So, I guess I wanted to say there is hope and good luck with your journey!
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    I don't know one person who has taken Depo without side effects... Yucko, sorry you all are dealing with them :(

    Next month I'm getting off birth control entirely and switching to the Fertility Awareness Method... I'm really excited to get this hormonal shiz out of my system! Any women who are on birth control for non-medical reasons (i.e., you are on BC for contraceptive purposes only!) and who are sick of having side effects, you should check it out... look up the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility on or something. I got it yesterday and I'm already on Chapter 6!! Good stuff in there!! :)

    My best friend's mother used that method. My best friend has three siblings. None planned.

    You sure it was that method? because it's different than the so-called "Rhythm Method," which does not work at all.
  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    I too gained weight when I was on depo, thankfully after one year my doc said I gained too much weight & took me off it. That was several years ago and I was able to drop the weight after I was off.
  • Lizchan
    Lizchan Posts: 60 Member
    Did someone actually tell you Depo doesn't lead to weight gain?

    The doctors said the weight gain would be very small, if any. :( They were lying... 'cus there are a looootttttt of people I know with this now that I've said something about it.
  • hloftin32
    hloftin32 Posts: 86 Member
    I am sorry that you are having these issues. I agree with some of the other posters though, you should try other forms of BC. Trust me when I say I have played musical pills with BC. Have you ever seen an endocrinologist? They can do a full hormone workup to see if there is another underlying issue with your weight gain. I had trouble with weight since I was 16 and just last year i found out I have PCOS. Get a second opinion if the doctor you are seeing is not helpful. Find someone who can really assess your issues. Hope everything gets better!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Did someone actually tell you Depo doesn't lead to weight gain?

    The doctors said the weight gain would be very small, if any. :( They were lying... 'cus there are a looootttttt of people I know with this now that I've said something about it.

    You need new doctors. As long as there has been Depo, it has been known as a major side effect that it causes weight gain and makes it difficult to keep it off. It doesn't happen to everyone and my BFF actually LOST weight on it (she maintained a size 2 the entire time she was on it, but without it, she's a bit larger). So maybe by percentages, where you factor in those who lose and those who don't gain or lose, it comes to a small amount. But the people who have the side effect of gaining gain a LOT!

    Not to mention the bone loss, early menopause and lumps in breasts that it causes. Something like 40% of people who use it experience the negative side effects. It's an awful BC method and you couldn't pay me to go on it, knowing what I know.
  • oocchhoo
    oocchhoo Posts: 1 Member
    i've been on depo for 1.5 yrs - i run approx 25 miles a week....swim w/a master group approx 3-4 days a week & work out at the gym 3-4 times a week. I eat approx 1200-1500 calories a day (on this site - it kept saying i was under my caloric needs). anyway - i haven't gained a ton of weight per se - but i've gained FAT - a layer of it - all over my body...i exercise enough that that should not happen.

    When i talked to my dr about my concerns w/weight/fat gain (as i race a lot so unhealthy for me to carrying extra weight/fat) - he told me i was when i told him maybe we should check my hormone levels as prior to depo - i had every symptom of estrogen dominance - he told me 'i don't ascribe to suzanne sommers books'. needless to say - i am now going to a new dr & she is NOT a fan of depo & gets my frustration (i explained to her my lifestyle - she said i should absolutely not be gaining fat w/my regime).

    anyhoo - the first 3 rounds of depo were interesting - 6 weeks of instant weight loss then 6 weeks of bleeding & weight gain....get a shot - 6 weeks of instant weight loss then 6 weeks of bleeding & weight gain. on the 4th cycle - i suddenly gained approx 20 lbs of all fat (lean body be gone). I've managed to lose 10 lbs of the gain - but am struggling w/the last 10. i have 6 more weeks (yes i started bleeding on sunday - just like clockwork & have been every day since) til the depo is 'gone' then i'm working w/my new dr to get me straightened out.

    i'm worried about the length of time it will take me to lose this fat...but am excited to think that by x-mas - i may possible be my lean old self....

    hope this helps - by the way - i 100% blame the depo!
  • skafka74
    skafka74 Posts: 20 Member
    I know this post is a little old but I had to comment. I started depo Jan 2012 at 37 year's old. I had taken it for 3 year's in my 20's and didn't gain an ounce. In Jan 2012 I weighed 157, a great weight for someone that's 5' 11". Today I weigh 200 pounds. I gained 43 pounds in the past year. I've tried dieting and really sticking to it. Some weeks I loose other weeks I gain. I am getting nowhere. I am overweight for the first time in my life and very frustrated. I mentioned to my doctor that I have no idea how I gained so much weight as my lifestyle has not changed and she said women typically gain 25 - 45 pounds the first year you are on the depo. I don't really want to stop using it as I find it to be a very convenient firm of birth control (I already have 2 kids that are long out of the baby stage) and I certainly don't miss the periods, but the weight gain is driving me insane. I'm actually starting to think that I could eat nothing at all and still gain weight! You are not crazy and you certainly not alone in the weight war with depo proverb.
  • sunshine421969
    sunshine421969 Posts: 273 Member
    My daughter just started on this yesterday... I need to do some research for her..Thanks for sharing