Long weekend away - help!

My partner and I are heading to Spain for a long weekend - cant wait - getting some quality time - just us - but how am i going to stay sensible - any advice re Spanish cusine or how to keep sensible when we will want to enjoy ourselves!!


  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    My only advice would be to watch your portion sizes and enjoy yourself. There's no point in stressing too much over it when it's only for a long weekend. Make sure you get back on track as soon as you return home and don't weigh yourself for a few days. It's just depressing lol.
  • sweetdianachka
    sweetdianachka Posts: 318 Member
    healthy and economic- go to the grocery stores if you can and buy fruits to snack on as you walk around. helps keep you on track and hopefully you can avoid the terrible but common traveling situation of starving and not being able to find a restaurant anywhere!!
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    On holidays you want to eat really nice stuff and enjoy yourself. I try to eat a healthy breakfast and have loads of lovely posh fruit salad it makes my think I am treating myself. Have a light lunch and walk and explore everywhere. Evening meal has to be special and because you have been good all day and walked for miles you wont do any damage by having what you like. I would enjoy it guilt free and wash it down with good wine.

    Enjoy I want to come!! x
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Its a bad idea for you.
    I should go in your place.
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Its a bad idea for you.
    I should go in your place.

    Yes and for your husband we should go instead haha x
  • I just had a really big weekend with friends (and even went to a buffet!) - I was dreading it, and worried I'd feel guilty etc. but just watched everything I did .... tried to exercise a bit more, and avoided massive intakes of carbs if I could ... I put 2lbs on, but I don't think that is too bad .... if we didn't have weekends like that to look forward to , you'd crack up and then be miserable on your lifestyle change. At least I know now, and have learned, that these weekends should be a once off event, as opposed to every weekend .. that'sthe main thing, and don't feel guilty ... enjoy and jus be a bit wiser about food and drink choices!
  • Try drinking water or gassy water before you eat to fill you up a bit.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Week-end in Spain, that's lovely! Try not to worry too much about weight loss, you should focus on enjoying yourself! I went to London a month ago and didn't gain any weight in spite of all the muffins I ate. Walking a lot really did help and also, only eating when I was hungry (would skip lunch if I had a huge breakfast and eat a muffin later in the afternnoon).
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member
    Just enjoy yourself.

    I find when I go on these things now I can't eat as much/drink as much as I used to anyway.

    Walk around, see the sights, eat the fabulous food and have a bloody good time!

    You can go on damage control when you get home ;)
  • Thanks for the advice - we will be doing a lot of walking so that might keep things in balance - but in general - i agree - we deserve this weekend away and i am going to enjoy it!! thanks for the offers to take my place - but no way - i cant wait for Friday.

    I am actually doing a pre- holiday cut down as well - meat free week this week which i am hoping will help - and i was thinking i might try some veggie options when i am away (as long as there is not to much cheese involved!).

    thanks for you help guys!
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    Lots of lovely seafood and fish! Try not to have too much tapas as it can be very greasy..especially anything with chorizo...i.e paellas. Also, keep away from the sangria...as lovely as it is...it's dangerous!

    When i was in Madrid i had lots of seafood, olives, cured meats and cheese. Don't forget you're away with your guy so you want to just relax and enjo eachother...try not too stress. You must enjoy some nice Spanish Rioja if you like wine.