Following a "natural"/ non-processed diet

Hi everyone. Lately I've been discouraged because I haven't been eating well nor losing weight despite exercising consistently and quite a lot.

I've decided I'm going to just eat as natural and healthy as possible. I'm not even going to worry about it so much as to lose weight but to make healthy choices that will keep me feeling good.

Does anyone else do this? I'm going to avoid as much processed/ fast food as I can, and avoid hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, etc. I know it will take longer to prepare more natural foods, and that these can be more expensive, but I hope it will pay off in the long run.

Just now I was going to eat a bagel with 1 Tablespoon of jelly (the sweetened/ processed/ cheap kind). I put it into MFP and I was over on fats for the day. I realized I had a can of light tuna and changed it... all of a sudden I am quite under on fats and closer to my protein goal. It's amazing how *that much* tuna can have less fat and more better-for-me stuff than just a little bit of jelly!

So I am aiming to keep this up. Does anyone else try to eat as natural as possible and avoid processed food? I could use some inspiration and support. :smile:


  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Hi everyone. Lately I've been discouraged because I haven't been eating well nor losing weight despite exercising consistently and quite a lot.

    I've decided I'm going to just eat as natural and healthy as possible. I'm not even going to worry about it so much as to lose weight but to make healthy choices that will keep me feeling good.

    Does anyone else do this? I'm going to avoid as much processed/ fast food as I can, and avoid hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, etc. I know it will take longer to prepare more natural foods, and that these can be more expensive, but I hope it will pay off in the long run.

    Just now I was going to eat a bagel with 1 Tablespoon of jelly (the sweetened/ processed/ cheap kind). I put it into MFP and I was over on fats for the day. I realized I had a can of light tuna and changed it... all of a sudden I am quite under on fats and closer to my protein goal. It's amazing how *that much* tuna can have less fat and more better-for-me stuff than just a little bit of jelly!

    So I am aiming to keep this up. Does anyone else try to eat as natural as possible and avoid processed food? I could use some inspiration and support. :smile:
  • becca1978
    I try to follow that 6 days a week. Try to shop on the outskirts of the grocery store ie fresh foods. I try to avoid carbs at night. Everyone's body reacts differently. I find when you are down to the bare minimum weight to lose it gets very challenging. But stcik with it you will get there!! There sometimes can be alot of tweaking to the diet.:flowerforyou:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Thanks Becca. I have about 7-8 pounds to lose (it fluctuates!) until I am down to my goal weight but I am more looking for consistency right now. My goal weight is 125 but I would rather stay at 130 for awhile then see the scale go 134, 137, 132, etc. It is really frustrating so I'm trying to regulate what I eat, because I know it's all my diet!
  • FletcherChic
    congratulations on the change!...i think you will find that once you adapt to this way of eating it is less of a "diet" and more of a lifestyle!....fresh foods are much better fuel for you body than anything that comes packed in a can or has had human hands touch it to make it "better"....i personally feel that the best foods come straight from the land - either grown off the actual land (fruits and veggies) or raised naturally (meats, dairy, etc) far as the fats go, enjoy REAL butter (not the fake spray kind - ick!), olive oil, nuts, and avocados (even real mayonnaise is better for you than the fat free stuff which often has sugar - try that with your tuna next time!) definitely takes more planning, more shopping, and more money to eat this way but your body will feel amazing - your hair will feel healthy, your skin will radiate, your joints and bones will feel rejuvenated once all of the toxins associated from processed foods get cleared out of your system! i still have to count my calories and watch my ratios of macronutrients but i thoroughly enjoy fresh veggies steamed up and made even more yummy with melted butter (yum!)...i enjoy sweet treats - but not the junky kind - instead a nice fresh crisp apple with almond butter is my reward for having a good eating day, greek yogurt with blueberries is also a great treat and it's high in protein....i stay away from all sodas and junk food and my body is much when i do have a "life day" and i enjoy a candy or junky treat i feel bloated and "dirty" inside for a few days body definitely doesn't care to take in cruddy foods (and believe it or not a few years ago - i was eating fast food twice a day every day, only drinking sodas, and ate candy for i think about those days and it literally makes me nauseated!)....keep me posted on how things go!!!!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Thanks for all of that, FletcherChic. I'm excited to see the changes... a couple months back when I was watching what I ate I noticed that my nails were stronger (they've always been so thin and chip so easily!) and that I felt a lot better. And that was just from making sure I was eating mostly lean meats and fruits and veggies. I really think that it also helped me with a sleep disorder I have... I'm not sure if it was the eating better, or the five miles a day I was running, or both. Since falling off that bandwagon I've felt blah and my sleep disorder has returned with a vengeance. :cry: So I am really going to be dedicated and stick to it this time...I know that if I can do it with exercise, I can do it with my diet, too!

    What's been hard for me in the past is if I'm home with my boyfriend or out with my friends and there's pizza, alcohol, chips, etc... I make poor choices and I tell myself, "I deserve to have a little fun" or "I don't want to look like a spoilsport." Now I realize that it has to be all about *me* and about being healthy, because it really does feel better this way. I will have to stay dedicated even with "temptations" in front of me... and I'm hoping I get to the point where, just like with exercise, it becomes normal and natural to eat healthy, and I wouldn't think twice about choosing the healthiest option.

    Thanks again and I've added you to my friends list so we can keep in touch. :)
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yep, there's a Clean Eating thread here in the food and nutrition that we posts our meals and share ideas! Please join in! :bigsmile:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Okay cool. Thanks!
  • onwardfatgirl
    I gave up 95% of processed foods a few months ago and have never looked back. My exceptions: whole wheat crackers (organic, all natural), Arnold sandwich thins (addicted to these things) and protein bars (Clif/Luna). It's pretty easy once you start checking labels and wondering what the heck that ingredient is in your cookies/crackers/bread/etc. If you're looking for jelly, I'd suggest going to your local health food store and finding their naturally sweetened fruit spreads. I love Whole Foods brand of cherry preserves - so good!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Yes, I try to eat as clean as possible. Not easy but it is possible. And because eating clean is usually lower in calories you can eat more. I was going to direct you to the thread that Jess suggested. I am also wanting to get down to 125. I am right now at 131. :flowerforyou:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Thanks guys. Onwardfatgirl (that's a unique name!), thanks for the suggestion about jelly. I really like Clif bars. And you're right, just last night I took a look at some things in my kitchen that I eat regularly and I thought were totally good-for-me food. A can of generic chicken soup had partially hydrogenated soybeans and "enriched" flour! :noway: A box of Special K Almonds cereal has high fructose corn syrup! Geez.

    Alf, you're right about healthy foods being lower in calories and I've also noticed that I feel fuller and more satisfied that way. For me it's not only about how much I eat but what I eat. You and I are at about the same weight except I'm a little more... I had gotten down to 132 but now I'm back up to about 134. So I have a good 9 pounds to lose, although, as soon as I eat well consistently, a couple pounds always drop off right away (same for the way they come on quickly if I don't eat well consistently!)