"Facon" a BACON Substitute (Really!)



  • 2012Kristin
    2012Kristin Posts: 222 Member
    Thanks for the tip - I absolutely LOVE bacon, but am working on cutting it out of my diet a bit. This could definitely help.... just have to see how it tastes =)
  • stix_n_stones
    Yes, people are passionate about bacon ohhh my.

    But coming from a Jewish veggie, it's not for me. I don't want animals to suffer so I can [*edited*] eat their flesh.

    [this post was edited by an MFP Moderator]
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I think that people really misinterpret what other people post... I didn't realize how many people were so passionate about bacon but I thought I'd share a tip that allows me not to indulge in the foods that I have been told that are bad for me (from my doctor, nutritionists, diet and wellness books, etc.). Never have I seen a healthy diet plan that 'includes' bacon. I do agree that things in moderation are okay, but I was just trying to help those that like bacon a lot.

    Also, I am not talking about "fake" bacon, I am talking about lean (not chopped pig parts as referenced earlier by another poster), unprocessed ham cut into slices and fried crispy in some grapeseed oil.


    Thank you for sharing your suggestion :) I hate that people completely took your post and turned it into a forum for bacon rage, but there are some of us who like to hear ideas from other dieters just for the sake of expanding our knowledge and adding to our options.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    There's no reason to subsitute bacon. There's nothing unhealthy about it.

    I think the question is, isn't there something morally unhealthy about it??

    Again, there is nothing unhealthy about it.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    You do realize that for two strips of real bacon, it's only 70 calories.. right?

    I eat bacon, eggs and toast everyday for breakfast.. and lost 28 pounds doing it. It's all about moderation.. and if you eat the whole darn package, then sure your going to gain weight. Eat the suggested serving of 2 slices and you'll be fine.
  • stix_n_stones
    hehe, I got moderated. My last point is that I just believe that eating animal products every day, at the majority of meals, is not the healthiest thing for us. If you want some real clinical studies and not just Peta or Skinny B*tch, read "The China Study." Really interesting stuff.
  • ashlielinn
    Great idea!
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    hehe, I got moderated. My last point is that I just believe that eating animal products every day, at the majority of meals, is not the healthiest thing for us. If you want some real clinical studies and not just Peta or Skinny B*tch, read "The China Study." Really interesting stuff.

    and I believe that humans need animal fat and meat to be healthy normal beings. It is healthy for us. I have read all I need to read to prove it to little ol' me.

    So it being morally unhealthy is your opinion, which you are entitled to. My opinion is that is not unhealthy. I even drink the bacon grease and lick my plates.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    You do realize that for two strips of real bacon, it's only 70 calories.. right?

    I eat bacon, eggs and toast everyday for breakfast.. and lost 28 pounds doing it. It's all about moderation.. and if you eat the whole darn package, then sure your going to gain weight. Eat the suggested serving of 2 slices and you'll be fine.

    No, actually you wont gain weight if you eat the whole package, that's only a little over 500 calories and I'll bet you big money that it keeps you full pretty much majority of the day. I did that many times.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I personally stick with center cut bacon (never have been fond of turkey bacon, mainly because my MIL would use it and microwave it--blech!). The center cut bacon (I use Gwaltney) is 60 calories for 3 slices. I don't eat it all the time, but when I want bacon, I want the real deal.

    I think it's great that you found an inexpensive alternative that you like, though. When you're on a tight budget and trying to eat right, sometimes you have to be creative! Sorry that some have kind of blasted you a bit. I guess people are really passionate about their bacon!
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    As a vegatarian (7 years!) I eat 'facon' and I quite enjoy it. Tastes nothing like the real stuff, but I can enjoy eating it without guilt.

  • Rugbychick16
    Rugbychick16 Posts: 183 Member
    Hi All,

    So for most, we've looked forward to Saturday morning breakfasts with our loved ones, you know, the whole deal: eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, toast... Or maybe sometimes we just crave a BLT - whatever your case, most of us are predispositioned to love the salty and fatty devil that's one of the first things to be cut from our diets when we take a serious look at losing weight and becoming healthier.

    Although I've tried 'breaking up' with bacon a long time ago, it always seems to be lurking in the background, making my mouth water for it's crispy goodness. I'm pleased to tell you that I've now found a new love, a substitute for bacon!

    A few years back I went on a real health kick and tried to eliminate EVERYTHING that was 'unhealthy'. I quickly found that this didn't work and left me spiraling out of control, and now I find myself 30lbs heavier than my starting weight back then. Not to be defeated again, I've learnt that sometimes we do need the treats - in moderation. Here's what I do to get my bacon fix (no more than 1-2 meals a week) - try this and you should be able to say bye bye to that EVIL bacon forever!

    1) go to your local supermarket and buy a package of cooked ham (the square pieces) - reduced sodium is even better!

    2) for one serving, take out two pieces, cut them into 4 strips each.

    3) fry them in a pan with a little bit of grapeseed oil (olive oil works alright too).

    4) once browned and slightly crispy, place on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

    5) say hi to your new bacon substitute!

    This ham has very little fat and runs at about 60 calories for two square slices (8 pieces of "Facon")!!! Enjoy!

    Holy Damn. THANK YOU for your suggestion! As a user of this site for a couple of years now, I looks forward to and have found success in the little hints and tips people like you give on this site! It must be getting cold or something out, cos it seems people will find any reason to flip out latley. What I don't understand is that these people who are arguing here purposely clicked on this link and decided to make it into something petty and childish.

    Please don't let all this negativity get you down or discourage you, I will DEFINITELY be trying your facon, and I look forward to hearing more tips from you! :flowerforyou:
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    and I believe that humans need animal fat and meat to be healthy normal beings. It is healthy for us. I have read all I need to read to prove it to little ol' me.

    So it being morally unhealthy is your opinion, which you are entitled to. My opinion is that is not unhealthy. I even drink the bacon grease and lick my plates.

    Well, I won't debate it, but I know a community of people who are living perfectly healthy without meat.

    ._. And that's gross. You might as well drink canola oil.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    and I believe that humans need animal fat and meat to be healthy normal beings. It is healthy for us. I have read all I need to read to prove it to little ol' me.

    So it being morally unhealthy is your opinion, which you are entitled to. My opinion is that is not unhealthy. I even drink the bacon grease and lick my plates.

    Well, I won't debate it, but I know a community of people who are living perfectly healthy without meat.

    ._. And that's gross. You might as well drink canola oil.

    I wasn't being literal with drinking the grease...but I do reuse all animal fats from cooking.

    No drinking canola oil (or any other "vegetable oil") is one of the most damaging things you can do. They're not comparable fats.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Once you cook it to a nice crisp, bacon doesn't have that many calories.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    and I believe that humans need animal fat and meat to be healthy normal beings. It is healthy for us. I have read all I need to read to prove it to little ol' me.

    So it being morally unhealthy is your opinion, which you are entitled to. My opinion is that is not unhealthy. I even drink the bacon grease and lick my plates.

    Well, I won't debate it, but I know a community of people who are living perfectly healthy without meat.

    ._. And that's gross. You might as well drink canola oil.

    Ewww canola oil? Give me lard (delicious by the way) over hydrogenated vegetable oils any day.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    and I believe that humans need animal fat and meat to be healthy normal beings. It is healthy for us. I have read all I need to read to prove it to little ol' me.

    So it being morally unhealthy is your opinion, which you are entitled to. My opinion is that is not unhealthy. I even drink the bacon grease and lick my plates.

    Well, I won't debate it, but I know a community of people who are living perfectly healthy without meat.

    ._. And that's gross. You might as well drink canola oil.

    Ewww canola oil? Give me lard (delicious by the way) over hydrogenated vegetable oils any day.

    Right. I'm put off that people are lumping canola oil and lard/(any other animal fat) into the same fatty category.
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    Then be put off. XD
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    and I believe that humans need animal fat and meat to be healthy normal beings. It is healthy for us. I have read all I need to read to prove it to little ol' me.

    So it being morally unhealthy is your opinion, which you are entitled to. My opinion is that is not unhealthy. I even drink the bacon grease and lick my plates.

    Well, I won't debate it, but I know a community of people who are living perfectly healthy without meat.

    ._. And that's gross. You might as well drink canola oil.

    That is debatable also about those so called people that are "living healthy" without meat.

    There is so much proof that we are meant to be omnivores, not carnivores and definitely not herbivores. We need both nourishment from plants and animals.

    I see so many people that were devout vegetarians and vegans now coming over to Paleo because they said for so long their health was suffering and I have been told that most "vegans" eat meat and eggs behind closed doors to obtain nourishment they are lacking, but out in the open they only eat plant material.
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    That's cool. o.o I'd pull out my medical records, but meh. You're convinced.