Wedding question...



  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    I say do whatever day YOU want! It's your wedding and your day! While it is harder to get work off, it is WAY cheaper to pay for flights and hotels! So it's kinda a win win DEPENDING!

    We have many friends in the midwest and East Coast we can't get to their weddings because they are on weekends and WAY too expensive to get two tickets. So we can never make it!

    If it's that much of a problem, do your local wedding with close friends and family on Tuesday and then have a big party the following weekend! That is what we did! :D
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Hmm...anyone that really wants to be at your wedding will make it work. As long as you give them enough time to prepare (definately send Save the Dates out). My wedding was on a Friday and so many people gave me crap about it but after all was said and done....everyone showed up, it was a freakin blast, and people still talk about it now 2 years later.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I don't think it's rude, but you must be prepared for people to say they can't make it, and then maybe break the celebration up a bit!

    I got married on a weekend that was loaded with other conflicts, but it was a date that was good for the people that I really wanted there: him, me, and our immediate families. We had a small but lovely ceremony, and it worked out fine.

    Then, about 6 weeks later, we threw a big party for all of our friends who we knew couldn't make it to the ceremony. The "After-party" was a sort of a back yard pitch-in affair with chili and beer and snacks and barbeque, and a good time was had by ALL! And even better, it cost a fraction of what a traditional wedding reception would have set us back [we were poor college kids at the time!], and I didn't have to worry about spilling BBQ sauce on a big fluffy white dress OR explaining my friends tattoos to my mother!