New to MFP but not to wait loss

Hello, I have been using MFP on my Iphone for several months but never realized they had an online community until today. I really do need some support.

Here is about me:
My name is Kassie and I am 30, all through my teens I was always very tiny, like 116-120lb size 4. Then I got married and I guess I turned into a woman lol. Cause after a year or two of marriage the weight just gradually came on, First two years I went up to a size 10, then over the next 10 years (yes I have been married for 12 years) I went up to a size 14. But since I have started using the MFP I have lost only 7lb but I have been strength training so putting on muscle, but I am back in a size 10. I want to be back at a size 6-8. I will admit I did not really start getting strict on myself until end of October. But I have stalled a bit, I don't know if its TOM or if its just I am not eating enough.

I am trying to stay around 1200 cal but I exercise about 5-6 x week. So I am not sure if I should eat more or just wait it out. I did try to splurge this weekend and ate 1900 cals on Sunday and 1700 on Saturday, but Saturday I went for a BMX bike ride and it was some hard riding and burned around 700 cals.

Anyhow feel free to join me. I try to post cool recipe ideas and stuff I find to eat that are good and healthy.


  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    I'm trying to lose some marriage pounds too lol. I think as long as you're eating clean and exercising it's just a matter of time before the scale catches up. Plateaus happen, so don't let them derail your progress. :)
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    Oh and I will friend you because I loooove getting new recipes!!
  • kfins911
    kfins911 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks I am kind of down today a tad, I feel like I am doing something wrong since the scale actually went up over the weekend but that is due to the fact I did eat a LOT more than I normally do.