Newbie here!!!

I have literally struggled with weight loss all of my life! After having my Daughter at the age of 20 my body drastically changed and went even further down hill. After trying to get blood pressure and low thyroid issues under control I was ready to tackle my weight loss journey. The day I delivered I weighed a whopping 253 pounds with my 5'3 frame. Take my word it was NOT at all appealing. So like I said after getting everything under control, joining a gym, and participating in a Biggest Loser type contest at work I lost 80 lbs... Only to gain some back after meeting my then boyfriend/now Hubby =) I have been on a weight roller coaster ever since. We got married at the end of April this year and I was down to my lowest weight since high school 160 pounds! Then ya know you get married and get comfortable. I have now gained 25 pounds back SINCE APRIL! I am horrified. We are in the process of trying for another baby but I am really wanting to get healthy. I want to eat better and feel better about myself. I want to do this as a life style change to be around as long as possible for my Husband and children!
Come stop by and say hi! I really could use all the support I can get.


  • Katedimaggio
    Katedimaggio Posts: 24 Member
    You are going to do awesome!!!!!!!!
  • phresh21
    phresh21 Posts: 132 Member
    You can so do it!!!
  • Hi I am struggling with my weight too. I was skinny til I had children and then that all went out the window. I went from 155lbs. to 305lbs. 14yrs. and 4 kids later. I didn't really get big til after the death of my 3rd. child in 2001 but I am getting better. I have 3 of my 4 children and a wonderful husband. When I saw the scale tip 305lbs. on my birthday of this year that was the last straw. I was disgusted with myself. I knew then I needed to do something and 27lbs. later I am still fighting and not giving up!! I thought we could maybe be each others support!
  • STAY ON IT! You can do it! Stay positive!
  • Jenners4
    Jenners4 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi! It is a struggle but all I can say is stick with it... once you start to see results just keep the end goal in mind! Feel free to add me as a friend ... Good Luck
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Welcome and good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • You all are WONDERFUL! Thanks for the amazing words of encouragement!!! Look forward to helping each other out and keeping each other motivated =)
  • time2scrap
    time2scrap Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck on your journey! I'm sure you're going to do great! :happy:
  • Hi I toltally understand what you are saying. I too have struggled with my weight my entire life. In Jan of this year my husband and I participated in the Gold's Gym Challenge and lost 37 pounds each at the end of the contest. I have continued to lose weight for a total of 60 pounds and have gained back 10. I am 5'4 and my top weight was 230. my current weightis 180 and I just seem to be stuck here. UGGG!! I know we can both get to our desired weight...we just have to keep on it. Good Luck!:happy:
  • I am a newbie too! I have been on a weight roller coaster since the birth of my first child 17 years ago. I finally made the decision to make a change in my lifestyle and get healthy!! MFP has helped me soooo much and I know it will help you too! I am 7 weeks in and 22 lbs. goal is to lose at least 60 more by June. With each others support we can all succeed!!