Sixers LOVE Yourself Challenge Week 6 (final week)



  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Another quick check-in. No idea what I weigh right now. I'm still sick, sinus infection, NO energy and I've been eating like complete crap and still haven't been to the gym. Going on 2.5 weeks now :sick: I'm just so depleted from being sick, I am just trying to keep my kiddos taken care of! Haven't read through the posts, just really wanted to check in! I miss you ladies so badly and can't wait to get back on the horse. I'm sure I've gained well over 5lbs but I'm staying off the scale for now because last time I weighed in seeing the higher number didn't help... It's not like a normal funk.

    Anyway, I love you all and will try to get on and read some posts tomorrow!! :heart:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    hey pedal....glad to hear your still around :bigsmile: LOL. hope you get to feeling your ol self soon. boy, this is some bug going around. knock on wood i don't get it. i know strep is going around here. thank god for my body. it has kept me well through all the health issues. i am not going to question why.

    katie....something is better than nothing. i didn't get in any exercise yesterday either. in fact waiting for the gym to open (new location, different hours) and than heading out. i do gym 3xs a week.

    have a great day everyone.....

  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good Morning All,

    Pedal, Hope you feel better soon and get lots of energy back when you do.:flowerforyou:
    Katie, At least it wasn't a gain & good job getting to the gym.

    Didn't exercise, eat well, or get in much water yesterday. I had a sore lower back and felt tierd. Today I am feeling better, still a little soreness (I don't know what this is from I didn't do anything that would cause a back ache). I am off to my exercise class and then lots of studying for mid-terms tomorrow.

    Have a great day everyone:happy:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    just got back from the gym....tried the new one. it's not finished, asthma started acting up cause of dust. they didn't have all the machines. so only could do the treadmill and ellipical, made them into a hard workout. burnt over 800. when i was starting the workout i am on the treadmill for 5 mins, getting going good, when a worker comes up and asked me if i was there for the class? what, if i was would i have been on the treadmill and the class was suppose to start at 9 it was 9:10. i was the only one in there besides the worker (3). then tells me it will work my tummy and butt, etc. excuse me i don't want the class and i can't do those kinds of exercies yet. i told her so too. won't go back to that one until it is finished.

    off to rest and eat lunch and go work out in the yard....

    deb...good luch on the mid-terms.:bigsmile:

  • strawberryblonde1
    morning ladies. chipper, good for you! sticking with your workout even with dust and an annoying gym trainer (haha) :laugh: (I wouldn't go back until it was done either). Pedal glad to hear from you! Get well... rest is the most important thing right now...! :flowerforyou: Deb, glad to here you are feeling better today, my back was killing me yesturday too (for no reason)??? It is still a bit sore today. but hopefully i will be motivated to workout after class and work. :smile:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I am going to reweigh today. If I get a better number (i.e. my start weight, I hope!), then I'm going to log that as my final weight.

    I doubt I'm at my start weight. I've been binging at night. Every day I recommit to eat within my calories, and every night I gorge, 10p and 11p being the worst for making me want to stuff my face. I'm committing again today to NOT binge - to eat within my calories. I have to -- my work pants are starting to a little snug and I cannot have that, I can't afford larger clothes!!

    My binging stems from feelings of inadequacy. Going through a separation... preparing for the separation (he's not even out of the house yet).. is really tough. I have to learn how to properly vent my fears and frustrations and feelings of worthlessness. I've started writing, just yesterday. I had all these emotions and I couldn't get them to go away, so I hand wrote them onto a piece of loose paper. It felt better. Did the same today. It seems I have the most on my mind in the mornings. I think I will buy a journal and keep it with me, always. Write out my feelings instead of choking them with food. Also going to look on Craigslist for a treadmill, elliptical, gazelle, SOMETHING so that I can workout my frustrations at night. I'd rather be jogging at 3am than stuffing my face. Much healthier.

    Wish me luck, Sixers. Here's to my recommitment to eating correctly! :drinker:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I did day 2 of ChaLean Extreme. It was harder than the first day. I am still sweating from it and that was 30 minutes ago. Of course Ive been walking around and doing other things.
    I had to and get a water cooler today. We got a well during the summer and they ahve tested it twice and both times it comes back with some type of bacteria in it. I have been buying bottle water since I quit drinking soda but I have water bottles all over my house and my car. This way I can just go to the cooler and fill up when I want some cold water. YEA>

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I hope everything goes well for you Lauryn. Just stay on here for the support and if you wake up and want to stuff your face come onto the message boards. From waht I see there are always people on here at some time or another.

  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hey ladies. I hope everyone is doing well. I read all the post and i'm glad that we share so much. I am settling into the job just fine and I moved in this weekend and when I got my car back the front windshield was cracked horribly. They will repair it soon and I'll be finished w/ the rental car. Then to unboxing. I have not unpacked all my stuff yet. One box at a time. LOL. I am excited to have made it this far. I have been jogging in the morning the past two days. I have also been working out 5 days a week. Eating as healthy as I can too. So, all is well. I believe I am at 219 the last time I checked. Thanks for the Jillian tip about breaking a plateau. It was helpful.

    Connie.... congrats w/ the workouts
    Lauryn- journaling has helped me. I have 3 going at once now. LOL. They are wonderful
    Pedal- feel better. I also have a cold from last thursday... it sucks
    Cathy- glad you are doing better.
    Amy- good luck w/ the doctor
    Katy and Amylou- good luck w/ school and things will be less busy when school is over. PROMISE

    Anyone I missed.... sorry. I hope you are well. I don't have the internet and I am typing this from work. I will be driving to atlanta to get my dog this weekend and then..... my life will be quite normal again... I hope.

    Take care!!! What's the new name suggestions for the next challenge???? Also, I didn't do a great job removing weight this cycle. I hope it gets better for the next time. :wink:
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey ladies!!!

    weighed again this morning and i'm afraid my gain yesterday was a real one! Yuck!!! But I am working on getting back on track today. Today is a long day, I'm in class until 8pm tonight so I am at the library now in between to get some work done and check in with all of you!!! I will try to get a few personals in now and a few more later!!

    Lauryn - Hang in there sweetheart! I think journaling is a great idea!! My parents have been divorced for about 9 years and when my mom was going through that rough time, she kept a journal and it really helped her to write things out. It also kept her from turning to me with her frustrations when I was just as frustrated and upset about my dad (I was 15 at the time). I will be thinking about you and I wish you the best!

    Rhiannon - Get to feeling better, we miss you, but we know the best thing for you right now is rest and to be able to take care of your kiddos!!!

    Deb - Midterms already?? What type of schedule is your program on?

    Connie - how nice to have that water cooler!! That will really give you an incentive to drink more with all of that ice cold water right there!

    Tamm - good luck with unpacking!!! I know moving isn't always fun (for me anyway) but you've got such an exciting time in front of you!!

    More later, hope you are all having a good day!!

    My :heart: for today is that I love being able to recognize when I am getting off track. Makes it much easier to get back on!!!! :bigsmile:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm still here lurking... School is picking up as I approach test week- Next Friday! The test is 100% of your grade! So needless to say, I will be spending most of my time studying and working out. I will be on to post when I can, especially next week so I can get in on the next challenge!!! I am still doing my a.m. workouts and a p.m. I woke up late yesterday and did 15 mins taebo bootcamp in the a.m. * proud that I STILL got it in *AND later did 2 hours of gym exercises! I did lots of stuff treadmill arc trainer, weights, dancing, spin class-taught by me/attended by me and BF lol- I got a great workout in! Was proud... NOw... RESULTS would be nice!

    I :heart: That I was able to bench press 65 pounds yesterday!!! And I did 12 pull ups. *With my BF helping my legs a little. still VERY difficult though!

    I hope everyone continues to do well! I read your posts and want to write an individual response to each of you but I MUST study :tongue: :noway: Chat with you LAter Ladies!
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    gonnabfit- 12 pullups and bench pressing 65lbs, you are my hero! Way to go. I wish I could fit in more workouts. I suppose I could get up MUCH earlier and do the Wii. I will really TRY for that. I am worried about next week, though. My husband is going out of town for nearly a month for an Army school so my time for the gym may be reduced and I personally work out harder at the gym than I do at home on the Wii. However, my Aunt who just lost her husband will be coming to stay with us for part of the time so perhaps I can get her to watch the kiddos while I head to the gym, at least once or twice. I will still have Mondays which are my day off while they are at school. And I could also take them swimming on Saturdays and Sundays.

    Lauryn- I think journaling is a fabulous idea for you. You let me know if you can't get to the store to get one. I will go get it and send it to you if you tell me your address. I hate to see you get stressed out over all this and I really hate to see you continue to hurt your body with the binging. I am praying for you!

    To all others, hope you are a having a good day!

    My :heart: for the day is that I am thankful for my singing voice. It isn't great or anything, but some, FEW, might say it is at least a little above average (as long as you give me the right key, :laugh:).
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    evening sixers.....

    gonabfit.....good luck with your tests. i never did well in school.....great job on the workouts. WOW. sometimes i wish i had someone to go to the gym with hard...

    tamm.....i love moving....i just like the new places, not the packing and unpacking....'s ok, it feels good when you know it and can get back. today i was listening to jillians podcast and she was talking about being in the moment. she said when we have the glimpse of eating/binging. catch yourself real quick and do an assement of the moment and talk yourself out of it. and says to start writing if that helps.

    lauryn...hang in there. it will be over before you know it. you are strong. this is just making you a stronger person. maybe going to bed earlier so you won't binge. and write, write, and write, chew on your pen. i don't think theres many calories in those. :wink:

    well, dinner is over. leftovers. had a sliver of cake for snack today. did pretty good today. i am realizing that when i get up from a nap. i want to eat, and that sometimes i will just go straight into the kitchen and start eating. i have to work on this. it doesn't happen when i get up in the morning, just after a nap. tomorrow is workout at home. got our state refund back today, so i bought me the BL boot camp and yoga dvds. hope they are good. will try one tomorrow. i am also going to start my seeds for the garden. and flower beds prep. for spring.

    we need to start thinking of a new name for next challenge....any ideas. boy, sure miss kistin, and pedal....

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    hey katie....i would love alone time. but, than i don't have little ones (any more). so i would be alone. but, a month i don't know if i could handle. in fact DH is leaving for a few days next month. son will be here though. but, he will be working.
    have a good night.....
  • pdxmomof2
    evening sixers.....

    gonabfit.....good luck with your tests. i never did well in school.....great job on the workouts. WOW. sometimes i wish i had someone to go to the gym with hard...

    tamm.....i love moving....i just like the new places, not the packing and unpacking....'s ok, it feels good when you know it and can get back. today i was listening to jillians podcast and she was talking about being in the moment. she said when we have the glimpse of eating/binging. catch yourself real quick and do an assement of the moment and talk yourself out of it. and says to start writing if that helps.

    lauryn...hang in there. it will be over before you know it. you are strong. this is just making you a stronger person. maybe going to bed earlier so you won't binge. and write, write, and write, chew on your pen. i don't think theres many calories in those. :wink:

    well, dinner is over. leftovers. had a sliver of cake for snack today. did pretty good today. i am realizing that when i get up from a nap. i want to eat, and that sometimes i will just go straight into the kitchen and start eating. i have to work on this. it doesn't happen when i get up in the morning, just after a nap. tomorrow is workout at home. got our state refund back today, so i bought me the BL boot camp and yoga dvds. hope they are good. will try one tomorrow. i am also going to start my seeds for the garden. and flower beds prep. for spring.

    we need to start thinking of a new name for next challenge....any ideas. boy, sure miss kistin, and pedal....


    How about Sixers Spring Clean or Sixers Spring Fling? Just s few ideas. I know, corny but all I could come up with.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    LOVE "Sixers Spring Clean"!!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    LOVE "Sixers Spring Clean"!!

    Me too!!! awesome!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    that sounds like a good name....

    good morning ladies....
    lovely to see you pedal...hope you are feeling better? you look great in your pic. :bigsmile: hope you feel like that again soon.
    kisitin..hope you are having a wonderful time.

    i stayed away from that cake last night. i really wanted it after DH left for work, talked myself out of it and jumped on the scale liked what i saw and it stayed on the plate. my willpower showed this morning's weigh in. it sure keeps me going. closer to my next goal is in the light.
    working on the front yard today. can't plant outside yet. still have a few cold nights coming. will start the seeds inside. even though i am moving at years end i still like my flowers. cheap seeds at walmart. :wink:

    well, off to do the BL bootcamp workout. hope it's good.

  • strawberryblonde1
    :bigsmile: Sixers Spring Clean sounds great! :drinker: Well I weighed myself today (thursday seems to be the best day for me... not sure why?) AND... finally under 149... exactly 148lbs... YEAY!!!! The BF has been kicking my butt with the workouts and I guess it is starting to pay off!!! :bigsmile: hopefully 147 will be my starting weight for the new challenge (thats the goal at least). But I will try and do some personals later... busy at work right now... have a great day ladies. :flowerforyou:
  • strawberryblonde1
    chipper. congrats on avoiding the cake :flowerforyou: (I wish I had that kind of willpower ... :laugh: )