Losing baby weight after having kids A LONG TIME AGO??



  • tchrnmommy
    tchrnmommy Posts: 342 Member
    I lost weight a few years ago when my now 13 and 10 year old where about 7 and 4....maintained for a long time including through a divorce. Remarriage...new baby (17 months now)....and right back to fat and happy status....however while my life is HAPPY I'm not happy with the weight. My first weight goal was 129...and I'm about 10 pounds from it now after starting at 160....but I'm now aiming for 125 instead!

    Good luck to all!
  • I joke that I'm working on my baby weight too. My daughter is 4 and I adopted her! :)

    My favorite response!!!
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    Good luck... it can be done!! After five pregnancies (yep, I'm busy too!:wink: ), I never thought it would be possible to develop a six-pack (my ultimate goal...) but I'm almost there!!:bigsmile: (Btw, I'm 39 :happy: )

    You sound like me! except 6 pregnancies and I've got you by a year :wink: