Polar FT40 Questions

I got a Polar FT40 yesterday and had a few questions, hopefully someone here knows :) I want to use it to track my calorie burn from morning to night, does anyone else do that? In order to do that do I need to keep the training on all day? As of right now it says I have burned over 2,000 calories, I walk a lot around a hospital all day so I am hoping this is right?


  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    A HRM isn't designed to accurately track calories burned unless your heart rate is elevated to 125-130 and higher. My Polar said that right in the user manual.

    If you want to track daily caloric burn you'll need something like a BodyMedia Fit, BodyBugg, FitBit or Jawbone Up.
  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member

    my polar ft40 says i need to eat 1650 calories and mfp says to eat 1200. who should i listen too?