Turkey any off the wall ideas on how to cook this thing!?



  • mrimike
    mrimike Posts: 139
    I saw a guy use a method called the trailer park turkey. No offense to anyone living in a trailer park!!! You need a metal turkey holder so the turkey can sit upright. You place a beer can (top cut off) filled with liquid smoke next to it. You place a metal garbage can over the top of it. Surround the metal garbage can (piled around the base up against it) with charcoals and pile charcoals on top of the can as well. It's a simple as that. 2 hours and you have a a fully cooked/smoked turkey. The metal can keeps the moisture in so it won't dry out. You can stuff it and baste it any way you want as well.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I always stuff my turkey, and then put butter under the skin, then wrap it in bacon, although what you call Canadian Bacon as that is our usual bacon, and I try and get smoked as it adds flavour, also I cook it in foil as it keeps it moist, baste a lot and then take the foil off for the last part of the cooking.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I like to serve it with a sauce made from whole berry cranberry sauce, honey, balsamic vinegar and cayenne pepper.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I always stuff my turkey, and then put butter under the skin, then wrap it in bacon, although what you call Canadian Bacon as that is our usual bacon, and I try and get smoked as it adds flavour, also I cook it in foil as it keeps it moist, baste a lot and then take the foil off for the last part of the cooking.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    My grandpa bakes it upside down so that the juices flow to the breast.

    This! But in the last 15-20 minutes, flip him back over so the breast can brown up. Mmmmmmm

    If we were having turkey, this would be my method.
    But we're having Roast Beast :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: You know you're jelly!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I saw a guy use a method called the trailer park turkey. No offense to anyone living in a trailer park!!! You need a metal turkey holder so the turkey can sit upright. You place a beer can (top cut off) filled with liquid smoke next to it. You place a metal garbage can over the top of it. Surround the metal garbage can (piled around the base up against it) with charcoals and pile charcoals on top of the can as well. It's a simple as that. 2 hours and you have a a fully cooked/smoked turkey. The metal can keeps the moisture in so it won't dry out. You can stuff it and baste it any way you want as well.

    Trailer park Turke!!!! ............HA ! that sounds interesting!:bigsmile:
  • wildcata77

    Grilled turkey blows away baked or fried any day.

    I also love a homemade cranberry sauce, and it's super easy. Even with the sugar, I consider it healthy since it's fruit and cranberry is a superfood.
  • mrimike
    mrimike Posts: 139
    I saw a guy use a method called the trailer park turkey. No offense to anyone living in a trailer park!!! You need a metal turkey holder so the turkey can sit upright. You place a beer can (top cut off) filled with liquid smoke next to it. You place a metal garbage can over the top of it. Surround the metal garbage can (piled around the base up against it) with charcoals and pile charcoals on top of the can as well. It's a simple as that. 2 hours and you have a a fully cooked/smoked turkey. The metal can keeps the moisture in so it won't dry out. You can stuff it and baste it any way you want as well.

    Trailer park Turke!!!! ............HA ! that sounds interesting!:bigsmile:

    It's seriously the easiest way to smoke a turkey and not dry it out!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I always stuff my turkey, and then put butter under the skin, then wrap it in bacon, although what you call Canadian Bacon as that is our usual bacon, and I try and get smoked as it adds flavour, also I cook it in foil as it keeps it moist, baste a lot and then take the foil off for the last part of the cooking.

    I want to come eat at your house!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Turkey days is fast approcahing........so im curious! What do you guys do to make this things taste good. And by good I mean NOT dry and bland. Sure I can stuff it with Bacon and sausage.................But im curious as to any whacky or off the wall ideas on cokking this thing and making it taste good.
    Put booze in it?:devil:

    SHake & bake!

    I soak mine in brine for 24 hours. Then let drain, pat dry and inject it. I use a mixture of Bourbon, butter and honey to inject. Then I rub butter under the skin. Rub the outside with my homemade BBQ rub. Pop it in the oven. Comes out moist with crispy skin.

    Edit -- Oh, and I never stuff the turkey. Makes the stuffing soggy. I prepare a an Italian sausage based stuffing and cook separately.
  • mrimike
    mrimike Posts: 139
    My grandpa bakes it upside down so that the juices flow to the breast.

    This! But in the last 15-20 minutes, flip him back over so the breast can brown up. Mmmmmmm

    If we were having turkey, this would be my method.
    But we're having Roast Beast :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: You know you're jelly!

    Are you sure you're talking about cooking a turkey?? LOL
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    go to your local junkyard and find one of those old pickup trucks where the hood has some extra space. make sure it runs well enough for about a 10 hour drive. stuff turkey with all the leftovers in your fridge, slather on some oleo, and wrap the whole thing up in some tin foil... you don't have tin foil? ok, wrap it up in that old paint tarp. strap the dang bird to the manifold with some bungee cords, and start the truck. drive around for about 10 hours until the inside of the truck smells like your aunt's leathery skin after she gets out of the tanning bed. throw the whole mess in the trough for the rugrats and take your little woman (aka 2nd cousin) to Fazoli's for a nice Italian dinner.

  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Inject it with Tony's and CONVECTION roast breast side down. Best damn turkey ever!

    Key is the convection roasting. It sears the skin and keeps the meat juicy. You can actually see the juices bubbling under the skin. Wow, so good!!!!!!!!!!
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I always stuff my turkey, and then put butter under the skin, then wrap it in bacon, although what you call Canadian Bacon as that is our usual bacon, and I try and get smoked as it adds flavour, also I cook it in foil as it keeps it moist, baste a lot and then take the foil off for the last part of the cooking.

    I want to come eat at your house!

    It's on a small island just off the south coast of England...we have no bridge...or tunnel...its a boat only crossing from the mainland, and the boat doesn't run at Christmas...but the Turkey is popular with those who make the swim
  • hoppinglark
    hoppinglark Posts: 213 Member
    I saw a guy use a method called the trailer park turkey. No offense to anyone living in a trailer park!!! You need a metal turkey holder so the turkey can sit upright. You place a beer can (top cut off) filled with liquid smoke next to it. You place a metal garbage can over the top of it. Surround the metal garbage can (piled around the base up against it) with charcoals and pile charcoals on top of the can as well. It's a simple as that. 2 hours and you have a a fully cooked/smoked turkey. The metal can keeps the moisture in so it won't dry out. You can stuff it and baste it any way you want as well.

    Garbage Can Turkey!!
    one of my favorites!

    I've seen makeshift stands that use a bunt cake pan with a stake through the center. Pan catches the juices when they condense and then re-evaporate, making the garbage can into a giant steam oven.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    My grandpa bakes it upside down so that the juices flow to the breast.

    I have done this when I didn't have a bag or time to brine, and it works great!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I roasted turkey stuffed with sage, rosemary, sliced yellow onion, & apple slices last year and it was GREAT!

    I'll be doing the same thing with my turkey this year. I also slather some canola oil on it and use the roasting bags (they help with the mess, etc...).

    I would like to get a nice smoker next year and smoke a turkey. When I was a kid, my dad had a buddy that had a HUGE pit for smoking. We took a turkey & a ham, this guy had a freakin' side of beef in that pit. I was offered a sample of that beef....was the best dam beef I've ever had in my life.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member


    I cooked my first turkey by following this recipe and everyone constantly reminds me of how good it was and asks if I'm doing it the same way this year.


    This woman is a genius!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    My grandpa bakes it upside down so that the juices flow to the breast.

    This! But in the last 15-20 minutes, flip him back over so the breast can brown up. Mmmmmmm

    I think it's funny when it is white, because everyone thinks it's raw! And every old lady screams "YOU DID IT WRONG , it's upside down!"
