Medically Required Steroids and Appetite

I have a current medical condition that requires me to take a large dose of steroids for the next month or so. They have made my appetite out of control. Any suggestions on how to trick my body into thinking it is full or low calorie snacks that are really filling?


  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    I have a current medical condition that requires me to take a large dose of steroids for the next month or so. They have made my appetite out of control. Any suggestions on how to trick my body into thinking it is full or low calorie snacks that are really filling?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Fibrous veggies will help with that...lettuces, spinach, brocolli, some squash, cucumber, celery, all the crunchy green stuff. Plenty of water as well. :smile:
  • Heather7
    I was on steroids for a medical condition on and off all last year as well, so feel your pain. I would drink full glasses of water before I ate any meal to make myself feel fuller, and I ate alot of plain quaker oats which was filling. You're definitely going to be hungrier, but don't be too hard on yourself.... I wish you luck and good health :)
  • gone2gym2befit
    High fiber diet is best to feel full. Think fruits, veggies, whole grains, oatmeal. Soups are a great meal or appetizer as the broth base is filling (like H2O )~(but watch the sodium content) Try to eat small snacks as opposed to large meals and make as many food choices as possible that keep you away from white (sugar, flour, potatoes, rice). Lean protein choices. Maybe protein shakes as food alternative periodically as well. Stay moving as much as possible throughout the day to keep your metabolism up and burning the calories you do eat.