HI, i'm new

Hi, just looking for friends and support on this site. hoping to get hooked on it to keep me motivated. i'm 86kg and 170cm. (no idea what that is in pounds lol) i live in australia. 20yo.



  • theabbeydawners
    hi, how are you!
  • cyndy1214
    cyndy1214 Posts: 22 Member
    Thats 189.2 lbs there is a converter online.
  • chrissi_k
    chrissi_k Posts: 175 Member
    hello and welcome :)

    so you are the same hight as I am and weight almost too. :) your weight is 189.5 lbs and you are 5'7" :) I have some websites saved up so I can convert kg to lbs since we use kg and the metric system in Germany too
  • miliser
    miliser Posts: 15 Member
    wow, thanks everyone. so i have 34 IBs to loose.

    hoping to stay motivated by this site. (: