
Hi all, how is everyone?

So far I've lost about 40lbs and still have at least another 70lbs to go. I am still very much overweight and am wondering if anyone out here can help me try to overcome my fear of jogging on the treadmill.

Does anyone have any tips or suggestions? Any and all are welcome!!

Thanks so much,



  • cwojo
    cwojo Posts: 156 Member
    Start out slow. Run 30 seconds if that is as long as you can. Do what you can and you will be doing a 5K like me before you know it. Look up "Couch to 5K" on the Internet and this will help you to get a good start. Good Luck
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    As Nike say.... JUST DO IT!

    Some days I have that "Eurghhh I don;t want to but I really should!" I go...after a lot of deliberation... and start off slow but start to get really into it and often end up running faster and further than I thought!

    Start off with little goals... like a 1 km jog at a lowish pace... next time try 2km at the same pace and then the next time 2km a little faster or with some gradient...

    Last year I could barely motivate myself to do 2.5km runs and now I REGULARLY run between 10km and 14km (if not injured!) and 10km takes me 52mins! :) It CAN be done... use a little will power, determination and inner strength... YOU CAN DO THIS... SO JUST DO IT! :)
  • cayzweaver
    cayzweaver Posts: 54 Member
    I agree. Start slowly and build really slowly. I did the "Running your Butt Off" program and just finished my first 5K last weekend. It took me about three months of training, but it is soooooooo worth it!!
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    I also suggest C25K, it got me off the couch and running 25 minutes up till now (staring week 7 tomorrow). Also, I discovered that I much preferred running outside than on my treadmill. Go for it, you may surprise yourself like I did:)
  • irishseven
    irishseven Posts: 35 Member
    don't run..walk. and increase daily your time..than increase your speed at your need. You at 36 are too young not to make fun of this adventure..ENJOY THE EXERCISE! It really will fir nicely in your life..good speed!!
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    Right now speed walking is more beneficial to you since it uses all your muscles in your body then just the glut and ham and quad. But try intervals speed walk 2 mins then jog at a low setting for 30 sec to a burns more fat.
  • MummaAimz
    MummaAimz Posts: 81 Member
    Start off slow and work your way up. I was always so scared to run on the treadmill and then I did it and I realized it wasn't so bad. I then started doing HIIT training because my knees just couldn't handle running for long periods of time. I found it to work great for me. Everyones different though, just do what you are comfortable with!
  • Maybe think about doing some road running to get started. Bad running habits can be developed by using the treadmill as a beginner... I'm not totally against treadmills! Just get into a "step habit" before you start going at it on the treadmill.

    The Couch to 5K plans are great for beginners! Several friends have done many different plans and ALL of them have been successful! Just pick a plan that you feel like you can conquer and go for it!

  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member has good music and advice to help you build up to a 5k
  • soniyamas
    soniyamas Posts: 160 Member
    I also suggest C25K, it got me off the couch and running 25 minutes up till now (staring week 7 tomorrow). Also, I discovered that I much preferred running outside than on my treadmill. Go for it, you may surprise yourself like I did:)

    Yes , C25K. Its my 8 week and I cannot believe that a couch potato like me can jog for 2.75 miles without dieing. And by the way I am doing this all on my treadmill. Here is the link:

    hope this helps.