do you feel like this?

Do you ever feel like giving up completely?

That's how I'm feeling at the moment. it just feels pointless...Im loosing weight to under go fertility treatment so me and my fiance can have a baby and today my doctor said if I dont loose the weight ,we cant have the treatment which means we have no chance of having a baby.
I dont seem to be loosing weight so the entire battle seems pointless.


  • megpapier
    megpapier Posts: 60 Member
    It does not seem pointless to me girlfriend!!! You want a baby! If that's not a big enough motivator I don't know what is. But to answer your questions, yes, I'm sure all of us have felt like giving up at one time or another. I just had an off week where I felt like throwing in the towel. But keep at it! You can do this if you put your mind and heart into it!
  • You have to keep at it girl! Don't ever give up! Things might get you down, but it cant get in the way of your dreams! When there is a wall in your way, you find a way around it! Don't give up!!!!
  • hojo94
    hojo94 Posts: 140 Member
    But, its not pointless... it takes a while, and there are bumps... but, you can do it! Don't give up now. Make that the driving force that makes you push that much harder at it. I hope that things start kicking into gear for you, and that you start losing... if you want, you can add me... keep at it, and don't give up... in the end, kiddos are so worth the pain of trying and waiting... trust me.
  • I know how you feel. I wanted to give up today, but I know that I can't.

    Your reasons are too important to give up on! If you need support, i'm here for you!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    sure! I think we all feel like this at times, so you are in good company! Having and raising a child will be a lot harder than losing weight believe it or not! So, now is your chance to develop the skills of "staying power" and resolve. do it for you, your husband to be and that wonderful, beautiful, incredibly special child in your future!

    Do some research on this site regarding losing weight, perhaps your numbers need tweaking, perhaps you are eating too little? Perhaps the way you measure and record both food and exercise are off......just keep studying up on the process of weight loss.

    Having a baby, just like losing extra weight, is not for the faint of heart!! Put yourself to the task and you will be successful!

    Best! :)
  • k80fox
    k80fox Posts: 92
    In the past I would give up when I made a mistake or strayed from my diet but now I learn from my mistakes and lean on the friends I've made on MFP who always remind me that tomorrow is a new day to start fresh.

    It sounds like having a baby is important to you so don't give up on it! Take a look at what changes you have made and where you need to improve. I too am TTC and I've found that my body seems so much more in sync now that I've dropped 10 lbs. I still have 40 more to go or so but the little changes I'm experiencing now make me excited to see what more will happen as I lose more weight.

    Are you on a deadline to undergo fertility treatment? If not, then why are you in a hurry to lose the weight? If the procedure will still be there in a year or so then take this time to get yourself healthy :smile: I say this because I used to be in such a hurry to get pregnant and when it wasn't happening I would get upset and became very unhappy with my marriage. But once I decided not to "roll over and die" I pledged to finally lose the weight and I'm so glad I did.

    Please don't give up. Lean on people who care about you and just take time for yourself :flowerforyou:
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    It may seem like it now, but when you get there all the work in the world will be well worth it. That first smile is worth everything. Keep at it you can do this. and yes we all have moments, days, and weeks when we want to give up and not just on exercise and losing weight.
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    I feel like it a lot, which is probably why I only keep at it a few weeks before I give up and fall off the wagon. We all get frustrated, and you I'm sure feel really frustrated at the moment, but if you keep at it you'll start seeing results. I think depending on how drastic the workout and diet change is, the longer the transformation can take to get jump-started. Wanting a baby is a really good motivator, I don't think it's pointless at all. You can do this girl! Feel free to add me if you need some extra motivation. :)
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    no way is this pointless. and dont give up on yourself or you dream.

    there is no magic wand, no one can do this for you, but there is plenty of us here that will suport you every step of the way.
    add me as a friend if you need more friends to help keep you motavated
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    no way is this pointless. and dont give up on yourself or you dream.

    there is no magic wand, no one can do this for you, but there is plenty of us here that will suport you every step of the way.
    add me as a friend if you need more friends to help keep you motavated
  • MrsGreen1985
    MrsGreen1985 Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words, I think they helped I just need support and motivation x
  • 3GKnight
    3GKnight Posts: 203
    Just remember feelings like this are part of the cycle. Recognize it, let it runs its course, and get back on track as soon as you can.
    You can do it and have a great reason to do it!