Hi there!

I'm Alivia and this is my first day here on MFP. My friend has been telling me about this site for months, but I'm so stubborn that I never gave it a look until today. Oh well, better late than never. A little about myself and my weight lose goals. I'm 18 and a college freshman. I'm looking into majoring in Com Arts with emphasis in Film/Television/Radio. I'm a pretty big nerd/fangirl and I'm very passionate about my interests. I love to read (although it's becoming much more difficult with college course work).

I want to lose weight and eat healthier because...well, who doesn't? It's not like people want to be overweight and eat crap, it's just much easier. But I want to change. Mostly to prove to myself that I can.

Age: 18
Height: 5'4"
CW: 136
GW: 115

So I could really use some friends to motivate me and for me to motivate in return!
