im about to give up :(

As some of you know Im short 4 feet 8 and im tiny on my legs, arms ect But not my tummy. Ive been fighting for so long to firm this tummy and I still cant.

I dont know If there is any change in my tummy. :( Im about to give up is there any hope for me? to loose this STUBORN BELLY?

What should I eat?

What should I NOT eat?

What workouts are good to loose this belly?


  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Eat a balanced diet at a moderate calorie deficit. Lift heavy weights.
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    What should I not eat?
    Eat a balanced diet at a moderate calorie deficit. Lift heavy weights.
  • JulesofWinsto
    Unfortunately you can't spot-reduce your belly, it'll be about lowering your body-fat %.
    Have you tried changing your calorie intake so you're not stuck in a rut?

    You look very small in your pic though!!!
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    What should I not eat? and I will try the weights thanks so much!
    Eat a balanced diet at a moderate calorie deficit. Lift heavy weights.
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    You can't succeed if you give up! Eat a balanced diet & CARDIO, CARDIO, CARDIO!
  • JulesofWinsto
    PS DON"T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Well, IF you give up, then NO, there is no hope for you.
  • anslog
    Try the South Beach Diet...lose belly fat first. Mainly vegetables and lean meat to begin with (first 2 weeks), slowly add in fruits and whole grains.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I noticed when I lost 10 lbs, my belly doesn't do the muffin top as bad. I still see it, but I don't think others notice it as bad as it was when I was 10 lbs heavier. I didn't do anything extra special, except cardio 5 times a week and eating a little better.

    Don't give up :)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    What should I not eat?
    Eat a balanced diet at a moderate calorie deficit. Lift heavy weights.

    Eat whatever you want as long as you're hitting your numbers, 40/30/30 carb/protein/fat is a good middle of the road setting that a lot of people use. But feel free to tweak the numbers to what feels best to you.
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    If I change my calorie take i will get Hungry. lol I loveeeeeeee food. And I can eat only 1200 cal
    Yup im small lol But my darn belly is not lol. It need a bit firm and its SO STUBBORN! :( Thansk so much
    Unfortunately you can't spot-reduce your belly, it'll be about lowering your body-fat %.
    Have you tried changing your calorie intake so you're not stuck in a rut?

    You look very small in your pic though!!!
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    Thanks so much. Im try so hard. :( I just hate when I walk down the street. and people thing im PREGO! Oh how many months. Wow how old are you and your having a kid. I look young im 32 and im short so they dont know that and they freek lol Which Id love to have a kid some day and i dont care but I dont have one now and i look like Im prego :(
    I noticed when I lost 10 lbs, my belly doesn't do the muffin top as bad. I still see it, but I don't think others notice it as bad as it was when I was 10 lbs heavier. I didn't do anything extra special, except cardio 5 times a week and eating a little better.

    Don't give up :)
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    mmm Ok i will try that thanks so much!
    Try the South Beach Diet...lose belly fat first. Mainly vegetables and lean meat to begin with (first 2 weeks), slowly add in fruits and whole grains.
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    very true!!
    Well, IF you give up, then NO, there is no hope for you.
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    Thanks I will do my best!! I hope I get this little bugger fit.
    You can't succeed if you give up! Eat a balanced diet & CARDIO, CARDIO, CARDIO!
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    If you want to lose the fat, you have to do cardio. So get your heart rate up, eat your allocations, and know that you can't win if you don't play! As others have mentioned, there is no way to lose fat in a specific area. You can build up particular muscles, but if there's a layer of fat on top of it all, you likely won't be able to see them.

    Good luck and stick with it!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    As some of you know Im short 4 feet 8 and im tiny on my legs, arms ect But not my tummy. Ive been fighting for so long to firm this tummy and I still cant.

    I dont know If there is any change in my tummy. :( Im about to give up is there any hope for me? to loose this STUBORN BELLY?

    Aren't you a winner? Winners never quit and quitters never win. You can do this. Baby steps is the key. You didn't get that abdomen overnight and it will not leave overnight. Stop letting your body get to you. Take control over your body and let it know that you are in control.
    What should I eat?

    Follow the food pyramid. You can never go wrong there. Eat in moderation and portion size. Drink plenty of water.

    Attention: Abs starts in the kitchen.
    What should I NOT eat?

    Food is not the enemy, unless you give it that power. Never deprive yourself of anything that you like, unless the doctor takes you off something for your health. Other than that, fit in to your daily calories things that you like.
    What workouts are good to loose this belly?

    Cardio. Try Tae Bo Insane Abs. Add it to the calorie routine you are already doing. Trust me, it will help you.
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    thx I need motibation!!!!
    PS DON"T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    Thank you so much. I will try again

    If you want to lose the fat, you have to do cardio. So get your heart rate up, eat your allocations, and know that you can't win if you don't play! As others have mentioned, there is no way to lose fat in a specific area. You can build up particular muscles, but if there's a layer of fat on top of it all, you likely won't be able to see them.

    Good luck and stick with it!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Do you drink beer or other drinks that cause bloating? My sister's stomach looks very much like yours. When it's just us, she thinks it's funny to show me her stomach. My sister thinks her tummy comes from bloating which she blames on her TOM or beer.

    Did you go see a doctor? Maybe, just maybe, it's something that you are eating. Maybe something is causing the bloating-easy, good or bad.