how did you get so big?



  • artemis222
    artemis222 Posts: 390 Member
    I was never a skinny mini, but...

    I developed early and was (now that I look back) mistakenly called fat. All because I developed hips and a chest. I started eating my pain then in grade school, but I was on enough sports teams and active enough it kept me pretty fit. However, I did start to notice I was gaining a little.

    Middle school I became even more self conscious of my weight as most of the girls around me were still stick figures as they developed. Again, my activities mostly saved me. I was only a size 7, but still slowly gaining the weight.

    High school I stopped my sports activities and only had my show choir dance and theatre shows to keep me active. No more gym to help. Doesn't help that my mother an I are both really good cook/bakers. Lots of weight gained here.

    Cue college. I partied....HARD. Drank every weekend and sometimes during the week. Late nights. Pizza delivered to the dorms. You see where this is going. I turned from curvy to "round".

    Married life! Nuff said.

    Stuff happened, I lost about 50pds.

    Now, I'm exercising and eating healthy. Lost 35pds with this site <3 Yay!