I hate exercising...Dont know what to do!!



  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Go to the mall then. Or, stop after 5 minutes of working out.

    Seriously, you do not have to enjoy working out. Just do it, and do whatever you can stand, for as long as you can stand it.
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    i was the same 4 weeks ago and now i do ejoy my workout. its still a task i have to get dne but i enjoy it.

    my first advice is try lots of different things. i bought a skipping rope, hula hoop, rollerblades, zumba and an exercise bike. i had so many options of what i could do it really helped me to do it, i didnt feel like great ive gotta go for a walk it was like oooh what will i try.

    and find something that you find intersting or fun. doesnt have to be something u have a ball at but for eg zumba for me i thought it looked really cool and fun. wen i tried it, it was killer and i really sucked, but after doing it for a while i got better and started to enjoy it. its stilll hard work but its fun. u might not enjoy it to start with but something you can imagine being fun when your good at is a good place to start.

    the main way i got myself started was taking up a challange. using c25k or something similar is a great way to give yourself a goal and something to work towards. the challange i started was my own self directed one where i had to exercise everday for 15 mins for a month. i was aloud one cheat day a week where i only had to do 5 mins and when i finished the challange i got an exercise related reward. i kept track of how many days in a row i exxercised until i got to a month. this worked great for me, it might work for you too or it might not. but find a challange you will want to strive to complete and reward yourself once you complete it. once u get the ball rolling u'll enjoy exercise and find it easier to do.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I used to hate running but forced myself to since it was a convenient way to get cardio in, and I grew to love it. Start with c25k, anyone can do that and it builds you up to running a longer distance.
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    oh and getting a heart rate monitor really helped me - it might help you too. to be abe to see exactly what your burning is great motivation to burn more
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I've lost 40lbs 2 years in a row and did it 2 ways. One was through diet/exercise/weight-training...and one was through a change in diet alone. Both took 4-5 months. In the first case, I was much stronger at the end, i tracked lifts/exercises on paper. Through a change in diet, i clearly lost muscle, as well as fat, cause I couldn't do nearly the same amount bodyweight/weight-lifting exercises.

    You can choose to lose weight by simply intaking less calories. If you're not concerend about preserving muscle along with your lose in weight, it works.

    If you wanna stay a little more 'toned' and have a bit better shape afterwords...you're gonna have to use some sorta resistance to keep from losing lots of muscle also. It's harder work....it's exercise..but it works too.

    I'll be the one to say not exercising, or hating exercising isnt' what makes people overweight or outta shape.

    It's eating too much that does.

  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I don't care for exercising either. I can't get to the gym (cost + daughter) and I find working out with exercise dvds in front of the tv boring. I do enjoy walks, but now it's winter and I can't get myself out there to walk during this time. I think I'd enjoy walking on a treadmill in front of the tv catching up on shows, but I won't be able to get one for awhile. So I mostly focus on diet. I have been trying to get into the habit of doing ab work and pushups right before bed, because my exercise ball is in there anyways and I don't feel like I could be doing something better since I'm on my way to bed. I know I have to start finding exercises I enjoy though, otherwise I will not be happy 8lbs from now.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    There comes a point where you're just gonna have to get used to it. I hated exercising too at first. Made up any excuse I could to avoid doing it..then alluvasudden stuff changed and I actually wanted to keep going, and developed a need for it. To the point where I'm ticked if something happens that could interfere with it. Give it time, you may start getting used to it after awhile.
  • justanotherbrickinthewall
    Dancing is seriously the most amazing thing ever. I could easily dance for an hour and a half and not get bored. It burns a lot of calories and doesn't even feel like a workout.