Bicycling for us

cecreech Posts: 119 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi folks, I thought I would open this thread and encourage those who like the 2 wheel variety of exercise. I live in the Southern USA and so it is beginning to warm up here a good bit, if that makes you think of getting the dust off your bike to get out there then lets get crankin'. I have a road bike and a mountain bike and enjoy them both but most of the time I am a roadie. Lets encourage each other to ride, stay safe and reach our goals this season!


  • cecreech
    cecreech Posts: 119 Member
    Hi folks, I thought I would open this thread and encourage those who like the 2 wheel variety of exercise. I live in the Southern USA and so it is beginning to warm up here a good bit, if that makes you think of getting the dust off your bike to get out there then lets get crankin'. I have a road bike and a mountain bike and enjoy them both but most of the time I am a roadie. Lets encourage each other to ride, stay safe and reach our goals this season!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: I want to ride...but living in Canada I have a bit of a wait
  • drewzaun
    drewzaun Posts: 111
    Great thread!

    I am forever in debt to my road bike, it has put up with all sorts of fouls on my part, starting with climbing on top of her weighing in at 330+. I have lost alot of weight pushing those pedals, helped some people raise money for good causes, and just had an absolute great time doing all of it.

    I have a mountain bike and a road bike as well. I am like you, more a roadie, but that is mostly due to the sandy soil here in southern NJ, and my sudden lust for speed.

    My first even is coming up on 25Apr, and when I get back from Bonaire on 1Mar I am going to crank up the training in an attempt at a podium finish. Lets hope for nice weather so I can train outside:smile:

    And remember it is often safer to take the lane in tight areas. Don't let that distract salesman who is dripping Big Mac juice down his shirt, talking on his cell phone and checking his gps think he can squeeze by you, only to realise he can't when his mirror knocks you cold.

    And stay out of the door zone!

    I can't wait for consistent warm weather...I envy you cecreech:devil:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Northeast PA checking in...Punxatawney Phil emailed me and said to stay put until mid-March! I want to kill that rodent!
  • i live in florida and don't have to stop in the winter... actually we don't really have a winter. :drinker: but i do look forward to the time change.
  • great Idea, I'm also trying to mix up my routine a bit and have started taking rides on the weekend. Last weekend I went out for a 40 mile ride and though i live in California the wind was bitter cold, but i guess i shouldn' t be complaining -we don't have snow on the ground!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I can't wait to start cycling again! I got a road bike in late summer (Giant OCR-2) and can't wait to pull it back out! I am mainly a runner, but got into triathlons last summer and LOVE it now! :bigsmile:
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I rode yesterday and am loving the warm weather here in the South this week!
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I sure can use the encouragement as I haven't been out in a while. I live in San Diego, so the weather is rarely a problem. However last weekend it poured and is supposed to again this weekend. I'm a mountain biker, and it takes a while for our clay soil to dry out. I'm going to get a ride in this weekend, but it will probably be on the road.
  • i was so excited a few days ago when it seemed warm enough to ride my bike, so i rode it to my friends house. but then it started raining later on so i had to get a ride home :angry: i cant wait till summer tho
  • cecreech
    cecreech Posts: 119 Member
    Ok folks, its time to work off that Valentine's celebrating - or the effects of not celebrating! Time to rock and roll. :happy:
  • Well, today i was lucky enough to see the start of the Amgen California tour where i live. Lance has come back to the competition and was riding in the peleton but went by so quick i don't even know what i saw. Still very exciting though. It is a rainy, cold and WINDY day for the start of the tour and i even road out about 15 miles to watch them as they approached their first turn and was freezing! Not very good conditions for these guys.
  • fitchick99
    fitchick99 Posts: 267 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: I want to ride...but living in Canada I have a bit of a wait

    Where in Canada are you? I'm in southern ontario and i've been riding my road bike for a good 2 weeks now, it's been relatively nice out, and the snow is pretty much gone....a little cold, but once you build up a sweat you're good to go!
  • cecreech
    cecreech Posts: 119 Member
    OK, I got sick and couldn't ride. I ate some evil pizza and it did a number on my innards so that I did not leave the house all day Sunday. I was miserable but I did lose weight! :grumble:
  • ce_fit
    ce_fit Posts: 299 Member
    So the cycling thread is starting up again. :drinker: Biking is main activity for me from May - oct. I can hardly wait, still a little to cold for me to be on the road.

    I did go to my first spin class last week. I used a new style of spin bike called a "Real Ryder". you are able to to turn left and right on it and it has a real good feel to it. This week I plan on going to two classes.

    For those of you in warmer climates, enjoy your rides. :flowerforyou:
  • inkedcelticcross
    inkedcelticcross Posts: 54 Member
    I bought myself a Trek Navigator 2.0 Hybrid for a late Christmas present in mid-January. I haven't owned a bike since college. Cycling have now become my main form of exercise since the purchase. Loving it! Trying to get in about 40 miles a week (most of my riding has been at night). Looking forward to increasing my time and distance.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Man, I am sooooo ready for Spring! Right now the temps are in the 30s here in PA...a bit too cold for me to ride (and enjoy). Another month and I'll be good to go.
    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
    I wanna ride but live in the artic circle Known as ILLINOIS.

    I am anixous to get out and ride until the boys R numb (that'll be after 1/2 mile).
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