The tape measure tango, how do you do it?

I really have no idea how you are supposed to take your own measurements. I like to do it once a week to keep me encouraged even if the weight isn't coming off as fast as I like.
What is the trick?
Do you pull it as tight as you can or leave it loosely hanging?
How do I find the exact same spot as last week without drawing all over my self with black marking pen.
My arm is the funniest as I dangle the tape around and pull it tight , then accidently drop one end and repeat, then leave it loose never sure where to put it.
Sometimes there are huge differences so I start again in case I' m in the wrong spot or I pulled to tight, sometimes it goes up so I do it again pulling tighter.
omgosh. please what is the trick?
How do I get it right every time.


  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I recommend using a myotape, they make it a lot easier to measure yourself and not have to worry about holding it right or how tight.
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 593 Member
    I have this kind of tape measure it makes it easy to do it one handed and you just hit the button to tighten it so there is no pulling it tight. And I know I don't get exactly the same spot ever. if the # seems off I might move it up or down a bit and see that that says.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Well it depends on each part of your body....

    For me, it varies. I even have multiple measurements for some places!

    Bicep... biggest part - Flexed (I like to track muscle growth as well).
    Wrist.... not much there ;D
    Forearm... biggest part - Flexed (not really much of a difference on this one unless you have Popeye arms :D).
    TOP Chest.... This is the top of your breast, with the tape under the armpits. I have large lat muscles so I just play with them so I can get the smallest size.
    BELOW Chest.... like measuring your bra size right underneath where the bra strap goes around!
    Waist.... For some people they have a beautiful hourglass but my ribs are within an inch of the highest part of my hip bones... not much difference for me so I measure the biggest part of my gut! Some people could have two measurements because even though overweight could have that tiny waist and bigger area (lovehandles).
    Hips.... Where you would line up your pants/skirts under the belly.
    Thighs.... The very top of your thighs where the thickest part is.
    Quads.... I measure these too to see changes, the biggest part.
    Calves.... Biggest Part Flexed
    Neck.... just like a necklace
    I am sure there are a few more you could do... these are mostly mine.

    Every time I go to measure, I wrap it around me and then tighten it but let it loosen to where it is right between loose and tight. Just right :D
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    There is a contraption that will pull the tape measure to the same tension each time. I found one on (may or may not have .au at the end)
  • digdeep2011
    I have this problem too. If i have lost cm i convince myself i must have done it differently last time, and if i haven't lost cm, of course i keep going till i get a reading that says i have.. breath in deeper, pull it taughter, lower it, pull it higher... so now i weigh in with a trainer at the gym instead. sorry i know thats not much help.. maybe take pictures instead and only do it once a month then that way the results will be truer?
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    Fitness Industry standard measurement locations are:

    Chest - at nipple height
    Waist - at narrowest point/midway between ribs and top of hip bone (females) or navel/belly button (males)
    Hips - at widest point around backside
    Thigh - at widest point
    Calf - at widest point with foot on a bench and muscle relaxed
    Upper Arm - at widest point/halfway between outer point of shoulder and elbow

    Tape should be firm against the skin/thin clothing but not tight so that there is bulging around the sides of the tape.
    When doing my own I sometimes need to use a mirror to make sure the tape is level around my body (eg. chest, hips)
  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
    Just ordered a Myo tape from Ebay for $1.64. How good is that, free post. Will have to wait a while for it though but looking forward to it.
    Thanks everyone, I'd never heard of a tape that did that.