Total Life Make Over

Hello Everyone! I joined My fitness pal through a recommendation from a high school friend who has had success so far. I'm currently at the highest weight I have ever been outside of being pregnant and I am miserable. I've been under tremendous stress over the last year and in the past, stress would make me lose weight, not gain. I've decided there are alot of things about my life that I need to revamp so I'm hopeful this will be a great tool for me to stay motivated and on the right track.


  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    good luck on your journey! you can do it!
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    You can do it ... you aren't alone!!!
  • Thanks ladies! I never realized how hard counting calories would be in the beginning and making sure I stay within my allotted amount. Yesterday was day one and it was a about 500 cal OVER! But I am determined! Best of luck to you ladies as well on your journey :-D
  • That's not a failure, though! You tracked it, so you know where you are, and you can improve from there. Keep up your determination and you can do it.
  • Welcome! I will add you ! :) -Rosalie-