
Hi folks! I've recently quit smoking as part of my "get healthy!" plans for 2012, currently on day 15 without a single drag having quit cold turkey - I'm proud of myself. I knew that I would likely compensate quitting with eating, and I've tried SO hard to make sure I'm snacking on things like carrot sticks or celery.

I compeltely lost it on the weekend when I went to put on a pair of my 16 dress slacks and they were SUPER tight. At my worst I weighed 185lbs (18 years old) but when I was 23 (because of terrible eating habits in my early 20's) I had my gall bladder removed and lost about 25 lbs post surgery. I've coasted around the 160-165lb mark for the last couple years, but since I've started exercising (walking to work and home each day) and attempting to calorie count to about 1200-1300 a day, I've gained almost 10 lbs.

It's so disheartening trying to do my GAIM yoga or pilates DVDs and feeling like death after - I was going to attempt Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred but I keep telling myself that my asthma will act up (from quitting smoking), or that I have a bum knee right now from a strained ligament. Not to mention the idea of working out in front of my boyfriend makes me want to die, so if he's home I just go for a lazy stroll around the block.

The desire and goals are there (135lbs by Dec 2012 - 40 lbs loss) but I just don't know where to start. I can't really afford a gym membership or a personal trainer.

Does anyone know of any "1 Year Weight Loss" programs that give an idea of how many calories/how much exercise to do a week? I've been stumbling blindly along trying to self-treat my weight issues and I feel like all I'm doing is going backwards.

Any ideas or suggestions would be a great help! Congrats to all of you who have met your goals, good luck to those of you who will!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I think Weight watchers would be a good beginning for you. It gives you tools and support. This is for someone who thinks they can do it on their own. You could use both. :flowerforyou:
  • samanthaleethomas
    It's really hard to get motivated to start losing weight and the smallest negative things could seriously delay your commitment to it but you just have to keep that little voice in your head telling you that you can do it. I started doing workout videos called Turbo Fire, they are part of the Beachbody series. Unlike most workout videos, this series is fun and it's dancing combined with working hard. You sweat loads and feel amazing after. Plus they have great music to workout to. They give you a schedule of what classes to do when and also a meal plan that is very easy to stick to and guaranteed to shed lbs.
    As for working out in front of your boyfriend - I found it scary the first time too but he was so motivating and he actually asked to do it with him as he thought it would be good motivation. He loves you right, so who cares! Do it together! You might actually find it to be loads of fun especially because you get to laugh at each other in a good way!
    Just remember you're body can handle a lot more than you think, so just push it and tell yourself that you can do anything - it's true!
    Stick to my fitness pal as much as possible. It really helps to watch what you're eating. Putting in your exercise and seeing the scale go down every week is so much motivation in itself. Results will keep you going.
    Good luck!!!
  • samanthaleethomas
    It's really hard to get motivated to start losing weight and the smallest negative things could seriously delay your commitment to it but you just have to keep that little voice in your head telling you that you can do it. I started doing workout videos called Turbo Fire, they are part of the Beachbody series. Unlike most workout videos, this series is fun and it's dancing combined with working hard. You sweat loads and feel amazing after. Plus they have great music to workout to. They give you a schedule of what classes to do when and also a meal plan that is very easy to stick to and guaranteed to shed lbs.
    As for working out in front of your boyfriend - I found it scary the first time too but he was so motivating and he actually asked to do it with him as he thought it would be good motivation. He loves you right, so who cares! Do it together! You might actually find it to be loads of fun especially because you get to laugh at each other in a good way!
    Just remember you're body can handle a lot more than you think, so just push it and tell yourself that you can do anything - it's true!
    Stick to my fitness pal as much as possible. It really helps to watch what you're eating. Putting in your exercise and seeing the scale go down every week is so much motivation in itself. Results will keep you going.
    Good luck!!!