Emotional eating

Help me, how do I stop?

I have PCOS so my emotions are all over the place and as soon as I am a bit down/upset I reach for the crap food. People in the past have suggested exercise a bath or a book and thats fine in the evening but what about when Im stuck at my desk at work? Does any one have any ideas on talking your self out of it?

thanks in advance

Pink xx


  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    I drink a hot cup of tea. There are days I have three or four, usually green tea since it's supposed to be really good for you. It really helps control my desire to mindlessly eat.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    sometime gum or mints help. if you can keep your mouth busy then you dont feel the need to eat sometimes. keep healthy snacks at your desk and count it. even if you can get up and stretch every once in a while that might help
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I guzzle 20 oz of bubbly soda. It really fills you up.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,366 Member
    Don't look to your emotions to solve your problems. Use logic. Unless your problem is hunger, eating will not solve it. Try to stop and take the time to address the issue being presented to you. Actively try to solve the problem instead of pushing it down with food. Husband giving you grief? Write a letter, even if you don't send it. Or make a blog/journal entry about the things that are problems for you. Just talk yourself into the understanding that eating is not a logical answer and it doesn't make you feel better in the long run.
  • AveryWays
    AveryWays Posts: 150 Member
    When you're stuck at work, take a stretch break and walk away from your desk. Don't wander to the snack machine but if you can step outside the office or just walk around the perimeter. You get out of the rut you're in even if it's a few minutes. Getting up and moving helps you focus your mind on something else. Also REPEAT to Yourself: Food is fuel! It is not security blanket!!
  • susanofscottsdale
    You are aware of what you are doing - this is big. Try to chose an alternative to eating. A brisk walk around the office? Tea? Make a phone call or make a brief visit to someone in the office. Still want to eat? Try to have no crap food in your house. At the office, bring healthy options to munch.
  • karenhs2
    karenhs2 Posts: 197
    The hot tea helps me.

    Another thing I have done is work up a list of good snacks (and have available). That way at least I am not putting crap in my body. It is still calories, of course. For me, if it includes protein, it seems to help.

    of course, the whole deal with emotional eating is that you want the crap and you seem to lose your brain while in the throes. So you have to look for a way to catch yourself right before or to limit the damage.

    My EE always comes at night after the kids go to bed. I sit down with a book and I want cheese and crackers. Like 8 oz of cheddar and half a pack of saltines. That is on a good night - on a bad one, it can be chips first, then the cheese and crackers and then chocolate. At 11pm at night. Talk about a recipe for weight gain!

    Yours is at a different time and place - so look for the triggers. I have given up reading novels for 6 weeks and then I will add it back in very carefully. I don't have the same want to snack if I am watching TV or at the computer.

    BTW, my oldest dd has PCOS - it really sucks. so far the only thing that has really helped her is acupuncture from someone experienced in hormonal issues.
  • ittybitty4
    The second you even think about reaching for the crap food, tell yourself a firm and serious "no". Even say it outloud. Completely take the thought out of your head. I realize this sounds crazy. I read this in a magazine and thought the same thing. Also, you could wear a ponytail holder on your wrist and everytime you thing about it, pull it back a bit and pop yourself. Haha. I know. I know. You think I'm a nut case. I saw it on a TV show once. I tried it and it makes you stop thinking about it. And when you think about it again, do it again. Your brain will force yourself to think about something else. I promise. I've tried it! Haha. You don't have to give yourself whelps and bleed or anything. Just enough to say "ow". And once again. I promise I don't sit around talking to myself and injuring myself. I'm completely sane. Haha. :) If you still think this is crazy, here are some other ideas: chewing gum, drinking water to feel full (you could even put that powder flavor stuff in it), chew on a spaghetti noodle (I've done that before and once again it sounds stupid), or well that's all I can think of. I've heard this before though.. Get a piece of paper and write down every reason you want to lose weight (ex: I'll look good in a bikini). On the other side write down everything you will have once you do reach your goal weight (ex: Everyone will be jealous of my body; I'll have great confidence; etc). Entirely fill your paper up! Everytime you feel like you want to eat something and you don't really need to, get that paper out and read it as long as it takes to give you the motivation you need. You could also keep little 100 calorie snack bags in your desk drawer.

    I understand what you are going through and I truly hope you overcome this. I believe you can! Keep pushing and keep your mind on your goal. Treat yourself every now and then. And when you crash and eat everything you get your hands on. Well, tomorrow is a new day. Don't give up. You CAN do it. Good luck:)

    "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"—Philippians 4:13
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    When you're stuck at work, take a stretch break and walk away from your desk. Don't wander to the snack machine but if you can step outside the office or just walk around the perimeter. You get out of the rut you're in even if it's a few minutes. Getting up and moving helps you focus your mind on something else. Also REPEAT to Yourself: Food is fuel! It is not security blanket!!

    This. Especially if you can go outside and walk around the building. If so explain your situation to your boss and tell him you will make up the time by working later or coming back from lunch early what ever it takes. Find a friend that you can call and talk to on the phone to get your mind on a different track. Many different ways just need to find them.
  • lina20
    lina20 Posts: 130 Member