Coworkers who bring in junk food (donuts, chocolate, candy,



  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    Nah just a regular sized glazed donut. I don't care that I ate it (well I do a little :P ), it's more that I get irritated that people I work with it bring it in and force it on others to make their fatass eating habits seem more normal.

    I don't think thats why people bring treats into the office. If you really think that, I'd say your perception is warped. People are just enjoying the holidays and sharing their good cheer...
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I bring in fruit plates to counteract the sugar-coma cookie plates :flowerforyou:
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Of all the places where I have worked, not once has anyone ever given me a hard time about not eating junk food that was brought in.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Drives me insane, went back through my food diary and my diet would be near perfect during the week if others didn't bring in F#@%ing garbage junk food.

    No one is forcing you to eat junk food. It's still your choice.
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    Just think that the disgusting coworker who doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom (and yes that happens a lot) sneezed on that food on the way to the breakroom. The mental image always helps me say no thank you.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Just think that the disgusting coworker who doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom (and yes that happens a lot) sneezed on that food on the way to the breakroom. The mental image always helps me say no thank you. could just have some self control. How does someone not washing their hands make a sneeze more gross? Odd example of what to do here.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    This is more of a general venting than anything else.

    Trying SUPER hard to stay onpoint with the daily diet and I'm usually pretty successful on my own. But coworkers (especially between Halloween - Christmas) love to bring in empty calories to work to share with everyone else. I'm near my goal too which means I really really need to watch what I eat while trying to lose the weight and build more muscle mass.

    I love the "team building" and "team work" aspect of it, but I HATE the forcefulness of the junk food. If you say no it's like you're this weirdo isolated person who doesn't want to be a fellow coworker with anyone. How many ways can a person say "no thanks" or "sounds great but i just ate" or "trying to watch what i eat" before they finally stop putting boxes of donuts and candy nearby.

    Drives me insane, went back through my food diary and my diet would be near perfect during the week if others didn't bring in F#@%ing garbage junk food.

    Already ate a donut today so the diet is out the window for today :P

    A different perspective:


    This is more of a venting than anything else.

    I really hate it when I get winded going up the steps to my cubical. Meanwhile that Volrath guy damn near sprints around the office, and seriously I think I can see his lats through his dress shirt, the dude is jacked. I mean don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy and all but when I see someone like that, who looks like a stunt double for the movie 300, it just makes me realize how freakin' fat and out of shape I am.

    Drives me insane. I mean, I'm all for teamwork but when I'm on his team, lets face it, he's the MVP and I'm the mascot. I might as well put on a donkey costume.

    Welp, gotta run, today is donut day and there's only 4 glazed ones left. Glad they put them next to my printer so I don't have to get up out of my chair.

    Volrath's coworker.

    In closing OP: I know you're frustrated but YOU DO YOU. Get back on track and stick to your guns. F the haters.
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    couple options here:
    1- take it with a napkin and throw it away later on, that makes for an happy colleague.
    2- bring snacks for the others but nice and healthy, like fruits, veggies and dippings, oatmeal cookies (one cookie is usually around 100 cal if you look for the right recipes)
    3- plan a little extra junk during your day for that period of the year
    4- plan a little more exercise as well
    5- practice the no thanks, I already had *insert your option here, big lunch, another donut, etc...*
    6- and off course the maybe later

    overall if they bring food and you indulge once a week, no big deal, but do not deprive yourself to the point where you will get 10 instead when you crack
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    going through the same thing right now... this time of year is tough!
    i am right with you on this one.
    the worst is the forceful type people.

    also, i understand this is just a vent and i know how you feel. it is hard to resist temptation, especially when its forced upon you.
  • brybre0413
    brybre0413 Posts: 212 Member
    I totally agree and remember 1 donut is not reason to quit! Girl I work with 5 men!!!! You think I don't get here eat this and lets order pizza and a million other things!! Stand up and do your computer work guess what you burn calories.....walk around....just MOVE
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Girl I work with 5 men!!!!
    The OP is a male.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    LOL! AMEN! I'm the office wierdo! That be me! I figure they bring in that garbage to sabotage me so I throw out comments like, "I had 3 potato chips yesterday..." They're like, "What's the point of that?" So I say, "Um, I dunno SELF CONTROL!"

    I'm the skinniest person in my dept and damn proud of it. Okay, well not the skinniest, there's a couple of tiny Phillipino ladies here. One of them burns more than she eats and has stick legs! Hehehe!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Just like an alcoholic has to deal with friends & family who drink. We who have a history of over eating need to deal with the people around us who do not eat healthy and feel uncomfortable when we refuse to eat what we know is bad for us.

    If bringing food to your workplace is common. Try bringing a health snack to share. I love to cook and am always looking for new recipes to try. I recently found a vegetarian chili recipe that was awesome! Shared it with some family and gym friends and everyone loved it! My wife has been pestering me for a couple of weeks now to make another batch!

    In the end, keep your focus on what is best for you and forget any distractions! Especially donuts!! :-)
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    My last comment on this subject. To all those that said "take it and throw it away". please don't! Put that food to good use. SOMEONE would enjoy it. Either don't take it or do take it and give it to your kid, neighbor, friend, homeless person, SOMEONE. You could very well make someone's day with that sugary treat =-)
  • Mitchlou84
    Can't believe people throw food away that has been made or bought by others - that is just plain rude. It is not that difficult to say no thanks!
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 178 Member
    One doughnut is not going to hurt you. I had to learn to quit beating myself up over eating something that is considered a "bad" food. It happens. Just make sure to either cut back somewhere else for the day or work it off with some exercise. I walked to my boss' office today and he had a big bag of doughnuts and asked if I wanted one. Doughnuts are like one of my biggest weaknesses. But I also weighed myself this morning and thought about the hard work I have put in to losing weight and that I didn't want to blow it on that. You just have to get your mind set in the right place. When I told my boss no thanks, he just smiled and put the doughnuts up. None of my co-workers have made me feel like I am crazy for turning down food offers. They understand that I am trying to lose weight. So maybe if you tell your coworkers no thank you, I am trying to get healthier, they will understand and could possibly even be some of the best supporters for you. :)
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    Can't believe people throw food away that has been made or bought by others - that is just plain rude. It is not that difficult to say no thanks!

    Sometime throwing it away at home (or giving it to the kids whatever) is more of a being nice gesture than saying no.
    We all had a close to retirement coworkers who,s ready to stuff you for christmas and will push you 6/7 times a day to pick something she made.
    I totally agree that the first thing to do is to say no, but sometimes too much pushing the junk is kinda annoying, though on the long run if you keep saying no they will eventually stop asking you.

    Not always an easy choice as some people take it very personnaly when you refuse, especially once you reached your goal and they do not always know how hard it can be.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Can't believe people throw food away that has been made or bought by others - that is just plain rude. It is not that difficult to say no thanks!

    Sometime throwing it away at home (or giving it to the kids whatever) is more of a being nice gesture than saying no.
    We all had a close to retirement coworkers who,s ready to stuff you for christmas and will push you 6/7 times a day to pick something she made.
    I totally agree that the first thing to do is to say no, but sometimes too much pushing the junk is kinda annoying, though on the long run if you keep saying no they will eventually stop asking you.

    Not always an easy choice as some people take it very personnaly when you refuse, especially once you reached your goal and they do not always know how hard it can be.

    i totally agree. it is easy to say no thanks but sometime people don't listen and then the only option is throwing it away.
  • shad1018
    shad1018 Posts: 191 Member
    when its my turn to take treats in to work I have to admit to taking in a fruit basket :) I get healthy snacks and others now think its a good idea so we now have a fruit basket once a week

    Perfect response - veggie trays and low fat dip are good too!
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    Totally donut, no big deal. Don't throw the rest of the day away (which makes it tempting to eat even more junk). You ate it, hopefully you enjoyed move on and eat a healthy lunch and dinner and you will be fine!! = )

    I literally have pies, cookies, treats of all kinds within a few feet of me at work right now. I made the decision to eat a tiny slice of pumpkin pie when I first came in to participate with my co-workers and get it out of my system...and eating lean and healthy the rest of the day! You can do it!