Lookin for support

i have lost 25lbs so far but i have a very long journey ahead. My sister had started this with me but has already given up. Feel free to add me. I could use your help. :)


  • Support is what we all need, especially doing these upcoming holidays and festivities . . . I am determined to stay disciplined. I will not deprive myself, but I will portion control and continue to exercise.
  • Way to go losing 25lbs!! I'll help you if you help me! :-)
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    keep at it girl! :) You can do it... just keep walking one day at a time forward.... i'm down about 90...with around 95 or so to go... we will get there! :)
  • To "embersfallen", wow, congrats on the 90 lbs... what an inspiration!

    To "ThatLoserKt "... you can do it! Comitting to coming on here is a big step in the right direction!! It's all about will power... if you fall off the wagon 1 day, don't let it discourage you, just get back on the next day. Eating healthy and getting in some exercise is key... and water, water, water! Best of luck to you!!

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! (do you all have your smaller plates ready? LOL!!)
  • luvinit
    luvinit Posts: 41 Member
    25 lb lose is awesome!