Getting pregnant tips?



  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    I would suggest looking into charting your cervical mucus and basil body temps. In a sense it is fertility charting at its best. You can buy a book called Take Charge of Your Fertility or go to their website

    I used that to get pregnant this last time and have become well versed in it that I have been teaching several women how to chart their fertility sings, for natural birth control and for pregnancy achievement.

    Understanding your body's fertility signs and your personal cycle is the best way to achieve pregnancy. Many women assume a normal cycle is 28 days. Simply not using the on line ovulation calculators will not work. My normal cycle is 34-36 days and so if I used one of those to try an get pregnant it would be off by almost a week which will most certainly end in failure. You only ovulate one day and sperm can live up to 48 hours and that is it. Timing could be everything.

    Good luck :smile: