New mum from QLD Australia


I am yet again on the search to find the right program, diet, exercise what ever to help me find balance in my life in this area. I like to be accountable to someone for whatever reason this helps.

I like the encouragement from others as well as I love to give encouragement. I have not ever used this site but look forward to learning how to use it. My record of food eating yesterday was 500 calories over so I'm obviously in the right place.

I would love to find some friends who have stuck it out and have walked the walk as well as those on this new journey as well.

My first goal is to complete the diary for a week honestly and then set another one.

Look forward to meeting new friends and encouraging others to achieve their goals.

Have an amazing day,


  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    Hi Julia,

    Hi and welcome. I'm also an aussie, but I live in country vic, feel free to add me.

    MFP is a great place to keep and stay accountable. If you can keep a food diary for 21 days you have created a new habit. I found keeping a food diary kept me honest. I also liked (in a shocked way) how many calories are in certain foods, it helped me to control my portions as well.

    MFP has helped me loose 7kg. I'm halfway to my goal. only 7 more to go :D.
  • juliamitchell
    juliamitchell Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for the welcome and adding you now. Well done on the weight loss that is awesome. Have a great day.