Looking for a few good people with similar goals to join me!

Hey everyone!

So a little about me. I am 25, have been overweight for as long as I can remember, have tried everything with some successes but always resulting in a gain.

At my highest I was sitting at 282lbs and felt sluggish and just horrible. Since then I have join and quite Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig because of the costs mainly.

I found MFP on my iPhone when I was looking for a good way to track my weight loss with JC. Once I found the app I became hooked, I track all my food and have had many a realization since I started my journey this time around.

So, my motivation this time is for a few reasons. Mainly it is because I am becoming a massage therapist and I know I will be better respected in my field (and with patients) if I keep myself in top form. I am also hoping to lose the weight so that when I become pregnant I can have an easier pregnancy then the complications that come with obesity. So really, my life is just beginning and I want to shine bright!

I am looking to find some people to keep me motivated when things are hard. I want to share my successes and my failures with you and you with me. I want to help each other through this tough time. i can't promise I will always be mrs. optimism, but I will always ALWAYS support my friends and in turn that will help me succeed.

I would love to meet motivated people around my age who have around 100lbs to lose. Also, if you don't exactly fit that criteria but still want to be friends with me I will definitely add you! I look forward to meeting you all!


  • Hi My name is Tina I am 50 and would like to lose about 150 pounds. Feel to add me!!
  • i'm tracey, i'm looking to loose about 150lb, so if you want, add me too x
  • bexominglex
    bexominglex Posts: 130 Member
    I am Lex, female, 29, I want to lose about 30 pounds or so.
  • Well, it takes hard work and determination to loose weight. It's not a diet but a lifestyle change, I am trying to loose 60-80 lbs to bring me between 200-220. I lift weights so it is a little different for me when it comes to BMI and the scale, so as long as I look and feel healthy I guess I will have met my goals. Feel free to add me as a friend because it's hard to do this on your own, and that goes for anybody who wishes to add me, I am on a serious weight loss trial and hope things work out this time. The last time I lost 80lbs, I was not mentally ready for it and I believe this time I am. I am a photographer and would like to look professional at photo shoots and I would like to prevent any health problems that extra weight may cause as I get older.
  • ziggle_7
    ziggle_7 Posts: 81 Member
    Hey, my name is Kristy. I'm 20 and I feel the same way. I've always struggled with my weight. In the last couple years i have injured my back and been in university. These 2 things in particular have really caused me to pack on the pounds even more. I'm not exactly sure what i want my total weightloss to be but I know i want to lose at least 100. I'd love to be friends!