

  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    This is sooooooooooo emberassing! My husband is is honerably discharged from the Marines (and if you are military at all you know about the back and forth between the branches) (Oh and one of his best friends is an Army vet (don't ask me how that happened LOL) So anyways I'd hear all the time other branches this, other branches that. Eventually I said exasperated, "You know, at least they served."
    So I was in the store one day, a lady behind me with her 2 kids, I with a cart and my one. Her kids start excitedly asking and reaching for the candy (they conveniently place at kid levels in the check out) and she states firmly,"Negative!"
    The married to a military man ears prick up and I spin around to say, "That is so cool, My husband was in the military and I'm hoping to raise my daughter (then about 4-5 mo.) with discipline like that. Does your husband serve?"
    She states yes and I asked what branch.
    "Army." she replies.
    My brain froze, I remember it like yesterday.
    My mouth opens and out comes, are you ready?
    "Well at least he served."
    I turned around to face my daughter and realized 30 seconds later what I had said. I was SOOOOO IMBERASSED!!!! It was the longest hour of my life (really probably 3 min.) but I never wanted to get outta somewhere worse!
    I said to myself,"DO NOT TURN AROUND, DO NOT SAY YOUR SORRY JUST GET THROUGH THE LINE AND GET OUT OF THE STORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I was so afraid that anything I attempted to do would make it worse.
    I felt so bad and it was a GREAT reality check to watch what I say. So I apologize to my military family out there. ONLY TIME IT HAS HAPPENED, but yes I do laugh at myself over it.
  • Erin959
    Erin959 Posts: 83 Member
    I went to a concert with my dad and my best friend recently and my friend and I always joke around that she hangs around my building, looking in my windows and hiding under the bushes outside my window. My dad was staying over and we were joking around that I wouldn't let him in the door and then I put my foot in my mouth and said to him "that's ok, you can sleep under Sally's bush". As soon as it came out of my mouth I realised what I'd said I couldn't believe it!! We just burst out laughing on the train.
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    High school - Junior year English class....was trying to describe to the teacher/class a film I'd seen the previous period in Psych class about narcolepsy....except I kept calling it Necrophelia. And I couldn't understand the looks of horror I was getting until about 10 minutes in...and then I stopped...."er...did I say Necrophelia???? Um...yeah, I meant narcolepsy." Oy
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    I've called a lot of my girl FRIENDS the B word and a lot of racial slurs to their faces... it was during the peak of my alcoholism this past summer while I was SOBER - I also would hit on them on the phone/text when I got drunk... I regret every word said because theyre using it against me (they actually have records of all the texts I sent drunk :().

    ^^^ this is not "putting your foot in your mouth"

    This is called being a total jerk. Racial slurs...ffs...

    ^^^ this. Totally this.
  • CastleMadeOfSand
    CastleMadeOfSand Posts: 432 Member
    You know normally I'd backup the previous posters but....

    dude is being honest about his disease. Alcoholism is one of the single hardest things that exists to overcome and stay away from. It is also quite easy to be an entirely different human being than the one you intend to be, and the one you truly are, in the midst of it's dark cloud over everyone's lives.

    At least the dude is being honest about it.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    You know normally I'd backup the previous posters but....

    dude is being honest about his disease. Alcoholism is one of the single hardest things that exists to overcome and stay away from. It is also quite easy to be an entirely different human being than the one you intend to be, and the one you truly are, in the midst of it's dark cloud over everyone's lives.

    At least the dude is being honest about it.

    Being drunk wouldn't make me suddenly use racial slurs. It isn't about the alcoholism, but rather that somebody's mind ever goes in that direction to begin with. Also, he said it was when he was sober. He even used capitals. CAPITALS!
  • moniquelessard
    You know normally I'd backup the previous posters but....

    dude is being honest about his disease. Alcoholism is one of the single hardest things that exists to overcome and stay away from. It is also quite easy to be an entirely different human being than the one you intend to be, and the one you truly are, in the midst of it's dark cloud over everyone's lives.

    At least the dude is being honest about it.

    ^^ yup! Agreed. He was going through withdrawal. Ugly times.
  • CastleMadeOfSand
    CastleMadeOfSand Posts: 432 Member
    It is a theory and a thought that those who say racial slurs mean less the meaning behind the slurs and more the anger invoking reaction they seek. This matches what the effects of alcohol abuse due to many.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    at the moment i cant think of anything although there are millions... i have a tendency to let what comes to mind slip out the mouth
  • moniquelessard
    You know normally I'd backup the previous posters but....

    dude is being honest about his disease. Alcoholism is one of the single hardest things that exists to overcome and stay away from. It is also quite easy to be an entirely different human being than the one you intend to be, and the one you truly are, in the midst of it's dark cloud over everyone's lives.

    At least the dude is being honest about it.

    Being drunk wouldn't make me suddenly use racial slurs. It isn't about the alcoholism, but rather that somebody's mind ever goes in that direction to begin with. Also, he said it was when he was sober. He even used capitals. CAPITALS!

    Don't judge unless you've been there. Sober doesn't = cured. He was being honest about something he REGRETS.
  • CastleMadeOfSand
    CastleMadeOfSand Posts: 432 Member
    You know normally I'd backup the previous posters but....

    dude is being honest about his disease. Alcoholism is one of the single hardest things that exists to overcome and stay away from. It is also quite easy to be an entirely different human being than the one you intend to be, and the one you truly are, in the midst of it's dark cloud over everyone's lives.

    At least the dude is being honest about it.

    Being drunk wouldn't make me suddenly use racial slurs. It isn't about the alcoholism, but rather that somebody's mind ever goes in that direction to begin with. Also, he said it was when he was sober. He even used capitals. CAPITALS!

    The difference between being drunk, and alcoholism is very wide!
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Wasn't me, but a close friend in high school...yeah, geeky nerdy high school when being embarrassed is worse than just about anything in the world.

    Near the middle of the day, around 4th or 5th period, just before lunch, we walk into class to take our seats. My friend noticed his seat had a stain on it and said 'looks like blood'. I just said 'yep'. Then he proceeds to examine it closer and loudly declares "Looks like its dried on from a couple periods ago"...as soon as he said it he realized the doubled meaning and his face went beet red with embarrassment.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    You know normally I'd backup the previous posters but....

    dude is being honest about his disease. Alcoholism is one of the single hardest things that exists to overcome and stay away from. It is also quite easy to be an entirely different human being than the one you intend to be, and the one you truly are, in the midst of it's dark cloud over everyone's lives.

    At least the dude is being honest about it.

    Being drunk wouldn't make me suddenly use racial slurs. It isn't about the alcoholism, but rather that somebody's mind ever goes in that direction to begin with. Also, he said it was when he was sober. He even used capitals. CAPITALS!

    Don't judge unless you've been there. Sober doesn't = cured. He was being honest about something he REGRETS.

    I get that, but I find it shocking that anyone ever resorts to racial slurs for any reason.
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    I've called a lot of my girl FRIENDS the B word and a lot of racial slurs to their faces... it was during the peak of my alcoholism this past summer while I was SOBER - I also would hit on them on the phone/text when I got drunk... I regret every word said because theyre using it against me (they actually have records of all the texts I sent drunk :().

    ^^^ this is not "putting your foot in your mouth"

    This is called being a total jerk. Racial slurs...ffs...

    ^^^ this. Totally this.

    Agree totally.
  • CastleMadeOfSand
    CastleMadeOfSand Posts: 432 Member
    It is a theory and a thought that those who say racial slurs mean less the meaning behind the slurs and more the anger invoking reaction they seek. This matches what the effects of alcohol abuse due to many.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    It is said that wine is a mocker and beer is a brawler. BELIEVE me I've seen both! Alcohol is a depressant, which means it slows the function of the central nervous system. Alcohol actually blocks some of the messages trying to get to the brain.
  • moniquelessard
    It is a theory and a thought that those who say racial slurs mean less the meaning behind the slurs and more the anger invoking reaction they seek. This matches what the effects of alcohol abuse due to many.

    Some people will never understand alcoholism and it's potential effects... I'm afraid. It's much easier to point a finger and say "you're bad, you're an *kitten*". There's lots of literature on this... glad you've got an open mind too. xo
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    My parents renewed their vows some years ago. My dad handed me the mike to say something (NO warning whatsoever) as part of their ceremony. I decided to say something quite deep and thoughtful on the spur of the moment.

    My mom went through some very difficult things when I was little, so I wanted to let my dad know how proud I was of him in being such a great man and a good husband to my mom. So, I said something along the lines of "It wasn't always easy. You could have left mom but you stayed, and for that, I am grateful." I tried to explain enough without giving away to their guests info that was private. Thankfully, the guests thought I was joking around.. I had to re-explain myself to my parents, who weren't sure what I was trying to say. I WAS SO EMBARRASSED!!!!!

    Lesson learned. Dad will hopefully give me fair warning next time, and I will know not to say anything unless prepared.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Last semester in my Japanese final I meant to say, "My stomach hurts," but accidentally said, "My p***y hurts." I had been learning slang and the words were almost identical.

    Yesterday I was going to go buy some fruit and poked at my legs to see how they felt. I looked up and there was a girl in a wheelchair...

    I am not one to talk bad things behind peoples backs...situations just arise haha
  • moniquelessard
    My parents renewed their vows some years ago. My dad handed me the mike to say something (NO warning whatsoever) as part of their ceremony. I decided to say something quite deep and thoughtful on the spur of the moment. People thought I was joking and maybe stepping a bit too much over the top. But, I wasn't tying to be.

    My mom went through some very difficult things when I was little. A lot of men would have walked out in this day and age, so I wanted to let my dad know how proud I was of him in being such a great man and a good husband to my mom. So, I said something along the lines of "You could have left mom but you stayed, and for that, I am grateful." I tried to explain enough without giving away to their guests info that was private. I thought my parents would know what I meant. Well, I was wrong. I had to re-explain myself to them later. But, I WAS SO EMBARRASSED!!!!!

    Lesson learned.

    OUCH! I HATE being surprised with a request to speak at a wedding. It's a faux pas. People should never put anyone on the spot like that. Most people dislike public speaking to begin with!!