


  • TweetyPieJeannie
    This site has really helped me by keeping up with what I eat. When I don't log in every thing i eat I tend to over eat. But that you LORD, I've lost 87 pounds last year. I got 62 more to go. But through the holidays I got off my diet and am really having trouble getting back on. I pray that GOD will give us all the willpower that we need to get the extra weigh off ths year.
    Have a blessed day and hang in there,
  • victoria0684
    This site has really helped me by keeping up with what I eat. When I don't log in every thing i eat I tend to over eat. But that you LORD, I've lost 87 pounds last year. I got 62 more to go. But through the holidays I got off my diet and am really having trouble getting back on. I pray that GOD will give us all the willpower that we need to get the extra weigh off ths year.
    Have a blessed day and hang in there,

    wow 87lbs?...dats great...great job...:drinker:
  • victoria0684
    :flowerforyou: :laugh: Be careful though. I had three and when ever I lost my pregnancy weight I got so hot that I got pregnant again.:laugh: :laugh:

    hahahaha..dats funny:laugh: ...dats actually our goal, 3 kids...awww thanku...ur too sweet...and yes i kind of need to get my old weight back to look "hot" again cause my husband is one of those gym addicts and he is like in good shape and i feel like everyone just stares at us everywhere we go and seems like der saying "eeww did dat girl get dat hot guy..."ugh...oh well...dats just me though...