Hello Everyone

I just found this site this evening and I feel optimistic that this my be the help I need. I didn't have a weight problem until I had a child and contracted hypothyroidism. I did manage to get almost to my pre- baby weight but over the years it has gradually crept back on and then some. And I have had a real hard time sticking to a diet and I think what would really help is some support. Looking forward to getting to know everyone and would like to give my support to you too.:flowerforyou:


  • livindreams
    Welcome! I just sarted using this site a short time ago and really enjoying it! It is great to have friends on here supporting you. Feel free to ad me! We can do it!
  • ninamm3
    ninamm3 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi! I've been using this site since springtime when counting "Points" just wasn't cutting it! I've since lost almost 40 pounds. I love to encourage others and help them achieve their goals through support. Feel free to add me. I also began a health blog www.runningsforthebirds.blogspot.com ...check it out if you have a few minutes! :)