Banged my car again...

Just need to vent some frustration.
I'm still on my first car, its pretty old but I don't think I'm doing too bad with it. I've had it for about 4 years now.
It runs ok, has an oil leak at the moment and the brakes need a check but thats just general maintence.

I hit it on a pole today. Parking it I came in too close and now my passenger side door is warped inwards. Quite a bit.
Couple of years ago I did the front passenger side door - never got it repaired.
And there's marks above the back tyre on the body kit from random catches.
Sigh. Long story short. My partner isn't very happy with me at the moment.

Unfortunately to get all the bits and pieces repaired, it would probably cost more then the car is worth. But my partner is stuck with this dreading thought that we can't get a loan for a new car, because we already have a small loan to pay off and it'll just mean it'll take even longer to get to that stage in life where we can buy our own house.

If only things were simplier.


  • amaodonnell
    amaodonnell Posts: 100 Member
    I say hey, as long as it runs and you are fine with it for the time being, don't worry too much about it. My first car I had for 2 years before it totally needed the whole brake system replaced, which cost more than I originally paid for it, so I got rid of it. Then I didn't have a car of my own for 3 years. Long story as to why...

    Don't worry about the small bits and pieces. As long as that small oil leak doesn't turn into a huge one, just count your blessings that you still have a car. :)
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    don't stress it you should see my car! dents all over it! As long as it still drives you don't worry over the dents! Hell my car looks like it's been thru hell in a hand basket and i am on my second car. plus i could get a loan for another car but mine hasn't killed me yet so i will hang on to it for a lil while.
  • Lol well its good to hear that I'm not the only one out there! It runs fine. So yeah, its not really a big deal. I just wish I could make my partner see it that way.
  • mandyc1108
    mandyc1108 Posts: 57 Member
    If it runs and gets you to point a then back again, don't worry about it. My husband drives an old Ford F150, with bumps, dents, and scratches all over it. It's not that we can't afford to get him another (because we can), it's just that we like doing other things with our money (we spend a lot doing family outings). It runs great, so why bother. Besides, who wants to worry about a new car getting beat up by shopping carts and dings from other people's doors.