
I got over the past four days. Sunday thru Wed. Today i'm feeling alot better! But i went to the doctor yesterday, before i was sick i was 147!! yay, when i went to the doc i was 153.
so i tried to go in a add the things i ate, which was like nothing! i don't get how i went up so much weight! i mean, at the doctor i was wearing clothes when i went on the scale, but five whole pounds? it seems like way to much.
and i can't get to a scale until tmorrow morning! i'm freaking out.
but what should i do about not being able to remember the food i ate. right now i'm freaking out over gaining back 5 lbs!


  • avr1321
    avr1321 Posts: 96
    I got over the past four days. Sunday thru Wed. Today i'm feeling alot better! But i went to the doctor yesterday, before i was sick i was 147!! yay, when i went to the doc i was 153.
    so i tried to go in a add the things i ate, which was like nothing! i don't get how i went up so much weight! i mean, at the doctor i was wearing clothes when i went on the scale, but five whole pounds? it seems like way to much.
    and i can't get to a scale until tmorrow morning! i'm freaking out.
    but what should i do about not being able to remember the food i ate. right now i'm freaking out over gaining back 5 lbs!
  • ladydi
    ladydi Posts: 88 Member
    You should keep a journal with you I have a pocket size one that I carry in my purse and when I’m not near a computer I write everything I eat down. And don’t freak out about gaining that 5 pounds you also have to take in consideration what time of day you weighed yourself first thing in the morning is usually the best time because you haven’t eaten or drank anything yet and also was it the same scale that you weighed yourself on before. Don’t worry because if you do that you will send yourself in to wanting to quit mode and weight loss is a long drawn out process.

    Good Luck
  • Isis1069
    Isis1069 Posts: 8 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it, personally. My husband and I went out and bought a brand new digital scale when we started this endeavour. We found that if you weigh yourself 15, 20, 30 times on this thing that you will get a different weight each and every time, even if you did it 15, 20, or 30 times in a row. It's ridiculous.

    So, I have gone to measurements and an analog scale (the kind with the dial). It's much more accurate and I am not freaking myself out all the time worrying about my weight changes.
  • hannah
    hannah Posts: 22 Member
    Hi I am new here ,so I hope you don't mind me telling you about what happend to me .When I was on weight watchers I ate everything right I then went to weight in and never lost a lb. ,but I stuck to it and the next week I saw the loss,over 5 took two weeks which seems to be the way weight loss works with me.So don't give up ,don't give in. I love this sight ,I really did not want to have to pay money out every week to weight in ,and I really don't trust diet pills. I mean who knows what they really do to us . I like being able to watch my progress through the things I do myself,it's very rewarding. I hope you don't give up and remember when feeling down,look up (you can't read the scale that way")tomorrow is another day........
  • You really shouldn't worry about the doctors scale versus your scale. You will almost always weigh a different amount (usually more) at the doctors office due to the type of scale. A doctors scale is also supposed to be adjusted yearly and it also makes a difference if the scale is on carpet or the bare floor. You should always stick to the scale you use and weigh at the same time every day.
  • glosalinas
    glosalinas Posts: 17 Member
    As I mentioned on another post, if you are honestly burning more calories than you take in and are not losing any weight, you might want to get your thyroid function checked.
  • HarlemNY17
    HarlemNY17 Posts: 135 Member
    avr1321 wrote: »
    I got over the past four days. Sunday thru Wed. Today i'm feeling alot better! But i went to the doctor yesterday, before i was sick i was 147!! yay, when i went to the doc i was 153.
    so i tried to go in a add the things i ate, which was like nothing! i don't get how i went up so much weight! i mean, at the doctor i was wearing clothes when i went on the scale, but five whole pounds? it seems like way to much.
    and i can't get to a scale until tmorrow morning! i'm freaking out.
    but what should i do about not being able to remember the food i ate. right now i'm freaking out over gaining back 5 lbs!
    The clothes plus weight fluctuates. Clothes about =2.5 lbs . Weight fluctuations about =2-3lbs
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    Wow, 10 year old thread! I'm pretty sure OP figured it out by now and hopefully moved on...