As I work out, I've started playing with my.....



  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    I gotta disagree w/that.. It's not like he was knitting or something.. if he's raising his heart rate more than his resting BPM for a sustained amount of time - how does that constitute not working out? Maybe not working out as hard as he possibly could, but it's still working out right?

    from my experience, you show me people playing video games and reading magazines while "working out" and inevitably they will be skinny fat or overweight

    Judgemental much?
    Doing cardio for an hour is boring! That's a simple fact. I think this is a great idea. In my gym the treadmills have screens built in and I tend to watch some Scrubs or Big Bang Theory while I run. I find I can easily do my 30 minute run if I am distracted by that but when I try without it, I focus too much on the exercise itself and feel more tired. The settings are all exactly the same whether I am watching telly or not so I know the effort is the same.

    In any case, you don't have to be exercising at 100% for it to be worth doing!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    you're doing it wrong...

    And what is so wrong about it?

    if you were really working out, you wouldn't be able to play video games, read a magazine etc while doing it

    I don't feel that way. People run on the treadmill or get on the elliptical and read magazines, books, etc. If I were lifting weights, that's different. At the YMCA, they have their T.V.'s on caption and I'd run and read, so what's the difference in playing a video game and being on the elliptical? My HRM was where it always is... 150's-160's. Sorry, but I'm going to have to disagree. :ohwell:

    Didn't you miss the arm part of the workout on the eliptical though? Maybe all elipticals are not the same, but on mine I would definitely have to go much slower if I didn't use my arms (if I could do it at all). Of course, I don't know how fast or hard you normally go. I could see playing a game while walking on a treadmill maybe, and watching TV doesn't use your hands so you could pretty much do that while doing any exercise. But it seems to me that playing a game while on an eliptical would have to lessen the workout a bit because when done properly the eliptical should engage your arms.
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    I gotta disagree w/that.. It's not like he was knitting or something.. if he's raising his heart rate more than his resting BPM for a sustained amount of time - how does that constitute not working out? Maybe not working out as hard as he possibly could, but it's still working out right?

    from my experience, you show me people playing video games and reading magazines while "working out" and inevitably they will be skinny fat or overweight

    Judgemental much?
    Doing cardio for an hour is boring! That's a simple fact. I think this is a great idea. In my gym the treadmills have screens built in and I tend to watch some Scrubs or Big Bang Theory while I run. I find I can easily do my 30 minute run if I am distracted by that but when I try without it, I focus too much on the exercise itself and feel more tired. The settings are all exactly the same whether I am watching telly or not so I know the effort is the same.

    In any case, you don't have to be exercising at 100% for it to be worth doing!

    I appreciate this post! Thank you for your support. I am really excited about my new found distraction! I hope that it will help others workout longer as it did for me! I have NEVER been able to be on a treadmill/elliptical for more than 30 minutes, b/c I was so bored or too focused on the exercise itself. We all workout differently and have different ways of doing it.... this is my way and now, maybe others. Again, thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    you're doing it wrong...

    And what is so wrong about it?

    if you were really working out, you wouldn't be able to play video games, read a magazine etc while doing it

    I don't feel that way. People run on the treadmill or get on the elliptical and read magazines, books, etc. If I were lifting weights, that's different. At the YMCA, they have their T.V.'s on caption and I'd run and read, so what's the difference in playing a video game and being on the elliptical? My HRM was where it always is... 150's-160's. Sorry, but I'm going to have to disagree. :ohwell:

    Didn't you miss the arm part of the workout on the eliptical though? Maybe all elipticals are not the same, but on mine I would definitely have to go much slower if I didn't use my arms (if I could do it at all). Of course, I don't know how fast or hard you normally go. I could see playing a game while walking on a treadmill maybe, and watching TV doesn't use your hands so you could pretty much do that while doing any exercise. But it seems to me that playing a game while on an eliptical would have to lessen the workout a bit because when done properly the eliptical should engage your arms.

    True... I didn't use my arms, but kept my speed as I usually do and was able to have my heart rate at max or better. Keeping balance was tricky when I was doing my warm up, but once I got the hang of it, I MADE SURE to do it at the pace I have been doing recently. Again, this is not the only exercise I do. I do circuit training and other stuff... obviously, i don't play games when engaging in those exercises. I just played while I was doing my usual cardio, b/c it's sooooo boring to me. It really helped me and that was my point in this post. Maybe others could workout longer if they used this tactic... while running or using the elliptical at their usual pace. In my case, I feel that I didn't lessen my workout, b/c I wanted to make sure my intensity was where it always is when using the elliptical.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    you're doing it wrong...

    And what is so wrong about it?

    if you were really working out, you wouldn't be able to play video games, read a magazine etc while doing it

    I agree with this. Hard to make a lifestyle change this way i think.
    If I am working out I am going to be focused on it. If I was reading or something I could be working out a LOT harder and am hurting progress. I wouldn't consider this working out hard enough.

    BUT to each their own. Always open to opinion on the boards even when it differs with your own. Have to accept all points of view IMO. Either way glad you enjoyed it :flowerforyou:
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    So you're saying my treadmill and WOW would be a good combo then?! :laugh:
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    careful cause when I play on my 3ds on my stationary bike, I lose concentration and my intensity goes down...make sure you're keeping your rythm from time to time
    also happens when I read a book
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    funny, when I run on my treadmil I watch videos, but 90% of the time I end up not watching it at all, because I am too busy focusing on breathing, pushing it hard etc...
    though if I was doing a slow kind of pace, maybe I would enjoy it more.

    Anyway I'd rather do 40 mins full speed interval etc... than 75 while playing. I am kinda sure that I burn more in that 40 mins.

    Then of course if you spend 3 hours playing, that's another story and it may very well be worth it
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    you're doing it wrong...

    And what is so wrong about it?

    if you were really working out, you wouldn't be able to play video games, read a magazine etc while doing it

    I agree with this. Hard to make a lifestyle change this way i think.
    If I am working out I am going to be focused on it. If I was reading or something I could be working out a LOT harder and am hurting progress. I wouldn't consider this working out hard enough.

    BUT to each their own. Always open to opinion on the boards even when it differs with your own. Have to accept all points of view IMO. Either way glad you enjoyed it :flowerforyou:

    Now, this is great! You have your opinion, which you are very entitled to express, but you make sure to let me know you're happy with whatever I feel is good for ME! This is how the message boards should be! THANK YOU! :happy:
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    So you're saying my treadmill and WOW would be a good combo then?! :laugh:

    Not sure how you could play on a PC and run on the treadmill, but COD: MW3 is amazing on the elliptical! LOL! Whatever works for you, Girl! :tongue:
  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    I feel that saying "you're doing it wrong".. wrong being the operative word here, is just plain off base.. if you're moving more, getting your HR up more for a sustained period of time (and in this case, even longer than the person normally would) , then that's not exercising wrong. I guess it's "wrong" for someone to jog at 3mph when they could actually be pushing it at 5 mph? Should we hang up listening to music while exercising too..? cuz you're gonna be paying attention to the music in some form, and that's gonna distract from 100% effort of your work out....

    I'm gonna submit this to mythbusters.
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    careful cause when I play on my 3ds on my stationary bike, I lose concentration and my intensity goes down...make sure you're keeping your rythm from time to time
    also happens when I read a book

    I've only done it once (yesterday) and I made sure that if I was gonna do it, that my intensity levels were up and the same as when I'm not doing it. It was a promise I made to myself... "if you don't workout as hard as you usually do on here, then you cannot play!" seems to have gone well... but if I start slipping, then I'll just have to stop. ugh. :laugh:
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    funny, when I run on my treadmil I watch videos, but 90% of the time I end up not watching it at all, because I am too busy focusing on breathing, pushing it hard etc...
    though if I was doing a slow kind of pace, maybe I would enjoy it more.

    Anyway I'd rather do 40 mins full speed interval etc... than 75 while playing. I am kinda sure that I burn more in that 40 mins.

    Then of course if you spend 3 hours playing, that's another story and it may very well be worth it

    I would've done 2 hours, but I had to run errands. LOL! I understand what you're saying. If I'm in the mood to game more than get on my elliptical, might as well do both for a few hours! hahahahahaha! :wink:
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    I feel that saying "you're doing it wrong".. wrong being the operative word here, is just plain off base.. if you're moving more, getting your HR up more for a sustained period of time (and in this case, even longer than the person normally would) , then that's not exercising wrong. I guess it's "wrong" for someone to jog at 3mph when they could actually be pushing it at 5 mph? Should we hang up listening to music while exercising too..? cuz you're gonna be paying attention to the music in some form, and that's gonna distract from 100% effort of your work out....

    I'm gonna submit this to mythbusters.

    I'll be watching that episode. ha! I guess I'll have to post my progress in 2 weeks and 30 days... see what happens. Not saying that my results will be everyones, but just to prove it to myself. I appreciate your support, by the way! Thank you!!!!
  • jecka31
    jecka31 Posts: 284
    I haven't played video games but I do have my treadmill in my living room so I watch TV. I found that I do more if I can "distract" myself from the cardio (I HATE CARDIO!!). As others have said, as long as you check base with your intensity, do what will keep you working out! I'm not coordinated enough to play games and run. I do like to play wii sports though to get in some movement! Keep having fun!
  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    I feel that saying "you're doing it wrong".. wrong being the operative word here, is just plain off base.. if you're moving more, getting your HR up more for a sustained period of time (and in this case, even longer than the person normally would) , then that's not exercising wrong. I guess it's "wrong" for someone to jog at 3mph when they could actually be pushing it at 5 mph? Should we hang up listening to music while exercising too..? cuz you're gonna be paying attention to the music in some form, and that's gonna distract from 100% effort of your work out....

    I'm gonna submit this to mythbusters.

    I'll be watching that episode. ha! I guess I'll have to post my progress in 2 weeks and 30 days... see what happens. Not saying that my results will be everyones, but just to prove it to myself. I appreciate your support, by the way! Thank you!!!!

    No problem!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I feel that saying "you're doing it wrong".. wrong being the operative word here, is just plain off base.. if you're moving more, getting your HR up more for a sustained period of time (and in this case, even longer than the person normally would) , then that's not exercising wrong. I guess it's "wrong" for someone to jog at 3mph when they could actually be pushing it at 5 mph? Should we hang up listening to music while exercising too..? cuz you're gonna be paying attention to the music in some form, and that's gonna distract from 100% effort of your work out....

    I'm gonna submit this to mythbusters.

    Very true!! I actually think Mythbusters would go for this.
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    I haven't played video games but I do have my treadmill in my living room so I watch TV. I found that I do more if I can "distract" myself from the cardio (I HATE CARDIO!!). As others have said, as long as you check base with your intensity, do what will keep you working out! I'm not coordinated enough to play games and run. I do like to play wii sports though to get in some movement! Keep having fun!

    Thank you! I will as long as I get the same intensity and some results! If not, then I won't continue it.... but for now.... GAME ON!

    Keep up your good work, too! Cardio can really be a pain in the donkey.
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    I feel that saying "you're doing it wrong".. wrong being the operative word here, is just plain off base.. if you're moving more, getting your HR up more for a sustained period of time (and in this case, even longer than the person normally would) , then that's not exercising wrong. I guess it's "wrong" for someone to jog at 3mph when they could actually be pushing it at 5 mph? Should we hang up listening to music while exercising too..? cuz you're gonna be paying attention to the music in some form, and that's gonna distract from 100% effort of your work out....

    I'm gonna submit this to mythbusters.

    Very true!! I actually think Mythbusters would go for this.

    That would be awesome if they did!
  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    I feel that saying "you're doing it wrong".. wrong being the operative word here, is just plain off base.. if you're moving more, getting your HR up more for a sustained period of time (and in this case, even longer than the person normally would) , then that's not exercising wrong. I guess it's "wrong" for someone to jog at 3mph when they could actually be pushing it at 5 mph? Should we hang up listening to music while exercising too..? cuz you're gonna be paying attention to the music in some form, and that's gonna distract from 100% effort of your work out....

    I'm gonna submit this to mythbusters.

    Very true!! I actually think Mythbusters would go for this.

    Aaaand it's been submitted!!

    Am I allowed to link the submission here? Or will I get banned?